A Study on the Sport History of the Stuart Era in Britain: The Declaration of Lawful Sport 체육사 : 영국(英國) 스튜어트 시대(時代)의 스포츠사(史) : 합법적(合法的)인 스포츠 선언(宣言)의 배경(背景)
38(3) 9-21, 1999
A Study on the Sport History of the Stuart Era in Britain: The Declaration of Lawful Sport 체육사 : 영국(英國) 스튜어트 시대(時代)의 스포츠사(史) : 합법적(合法的)인 스포츠 선언(宣言)의 배경(背景)
In order to understand the social history of Stuart-sport, it is absolutely necessary to trace the "The Declaration of Lawful Sport(The Royal Book of Sport: The King`s Book of Sport)" of James I. The object of this article is to trace the backing of "The Declaration of Lawful Sport". It may be given two interpretation.
The First, "The Declaration of Lawful Sport" was an oppressive measure to the Puritans. The Declaration was a gambit in the political struggle and religious conflict their betters. Calvinism was imported into England and there in its Puritan form it a greater enemy to sport than monasticism had been. Its influence grew during the Tutor-Stuart England, it was rootedly English and had added to itself some peculiarities unknown to continental Calvinism such as Sabbatarianism. Sunday sport was an inevitable source of conflict. The Puritans banned sports(piping, dancing, bowling, bear-and bull-baiting) or any other `profanation` at any time on the Sabbath. But the King rebuked certain Puritans interfering with the people`s lawful recreations and ordained that after divine service on Sunday and other holy days piping, dancing, archery, leaping, vaulting, May games, Whitsun ales, Morris dance and other harmless recreations were to be allowed.
The Second, "The Declaration of Lawful Sport" was a reasonable policy measure of leisure and sport for peoples.
The contrast and the conflict between extreme views on sport of courtier and Puritan became acute at the beginning of the seventeen century. But The King, James I carried on the Royal patronage of sport and introduced "Basilicon Doron" dedicated to his son Henrie. He ordained that after divine service on Sunday and other holy days lawful sports and harmless recreations were to be allowed. Yet he maintained existing legislation which forbade bear-and bull-baiting and interludes on sundays and bowling `for meaner sort of people` at all times. "The Declaration of Lawful Sport" may be given several interpretation, but it may be given interpretation as a reasonable leasure policy.
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Sport und Umwelt (II) - Versuch einer ethischen Idee fuer Co-existenz - 체육철학 : 스포츠와 환경 (II) - 공존을 위한 윤리적 이념 모색 -
38(3) 25-42, 1999
Sport und Umwelt (II) - Versuch einer ethischen Idee fuer Co-existenz - 체육철학 : 스포츠와 환경 (II) - 공존을 위한 윤리적 이념 모색 -
Natur und Naturschutz ru¨cken zunehmend in das o¨ffentliche Interesse. Die Diskussion um den Naturschuz wird auf einer breiten Ebene gefu¨hrt, so daß fast jeder Lebensbereich von dieser Diskussion erfaßt wird. Auch der Sport steht mit seiner Umwelt in einem latenten Konflikt. Der Sport wirkt in Teilbereichen massiv auf seine natu¨rliche Umwelt ein. Das wachsende Umweltbewußtsein und die an den Sport herangetragenen Vorwu¨rfe fu¨hren dazu, daß im Sport und der Sportwissenschaft(i.b. Sportethik) die Belange der Natur in steigendem Maße beru¨cksichtigt werden. Das Sport-Umwelt-Problem stellt eine Herausforderung an die Sportethik dar. Wo nun eine Ethik des Sports unter Beru¨cksichtigung der spezifischen Besonderheiten dieses Handlungsfeldes nach dem richtigen Handeln gegenu¨ber der Natur forscht, ist sie bereits auf dem Weg, eine "umweltbezogene Sportethik" zu werden. Die umweltbezogene Sportethik ist mo¨glich als "co-existenziale Sportethik. "Co-existenz" fungiert als ethische Idee des Sports in der Zeit der Umweltkrise.
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The Meaning that Comenius Theory of Knowledge in Quences on School Physical Education 체육철학 : 코메니우스 인식론의 체육교육적 의의
38(3) 43-57, 1999
The Meaning that Comenius Theory of Knowledge in Quences on School Physical Education 체육철학 : 코메니우스 인식론의 체육교육적 의의
This study investigates what influence Comenius` epistemology has in school physical education.
Cominius` theory of knowledge is a sort of empiricism and holds onto th logical epistemology, he regards knowledge as a thing which can be farmed by the unity of the body and mind, not by some parts of the human. This knowledge provides the first step toward the establishment of scientific aspects in physical education.
Especially, in that learners are the soups of knowledge acquisition as well as the subject of it, they can be the subject of recognition or the owner of it and as such can share this knowledge socially and publicly. This demonstrates fundamentally that the learner is the core of physical education.
In learning exercise, the studying of exercise skills is developing through several steps. Comenius thinks that knowledge acquisition can be achieved by the following steps; sense-perception, cognitive processes and communication.
In Comenus` teaching methods, he emphasizes the imitative, voluntary, and repeated training by indicating the learning purpose, and then by proposing an example, and then by teaching precepts to educate students` ability. Examining the meanings that all domains studied by educational philosophy of physical education, have in physical education in school, the goal of physical education in school must focus on making all students have a sound mind and spirit, while having them maintain a healthy body. This leads action of sincere human relationships through the interplay of physical sensation and inborn mental ability, Thus developing a person`s whole personality.
In terms of teaching method, all instructor should direct the student to experience motion, realization, and education. Also, it must consider students` ages, their intelligence, and develop mental differences. The way of evaluation postulates that we should make the standard of the evaluation in order that knowledge, action, and theory, practice can be accomplished with the unity of mind and body and the recognition -object and recognition- subject and in order that the awareness of community as well as cultivation of personal character can be formed the consistent observation of the growth process like `being made` through the exercise achievement of personal experiences and consciousness.
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Reflective Philosophical Consideration on the Proper Awareness of Leisure 체육철학 : 올바른 여가의식을 위한 철학적 고찰
38(3) 58-65, 1999
Reflective Philosophical Consideration on the Proper Awareness of Leisure 체육철학 : 올바른 여가의식을 위한 철학적 고찰
The purposes of this study were to understand the concept of leisure, and to build one`s proper awareness on leisure.
The social patterns associated with the technological changes that began in the 19th century were assimilated into the popular culture through 20th century innovations. Industry has effectedively incorporated many of concepts of the Protestant Ethic into work. The glorification of work in the Protestant Ethic has produced for many people a residual feeling of guilt toward the enjoyment of leisure. Those who assumed the separation of work ethic and leisure ethic generally face a dilemma: they needed a major value reorientation if they were to realize the real meaning of leisure and the potential benefits of increased leisure. The traditional work rhythm of a scarce economy required people to work long hours and to be frugal with time and money, merely to survive. Although the work time became decreased in the modern society, industrialization and high technical development led to the separation of work and leisure, and an emphasis on economically productive functions as the most significant aspects of life.
Generally, work and leisure conceived as the contrasted concept. This idea was not fully acceptable. The work had aspects of both leisure and nonleisure. The difference; perceived freedom and the similarity; intrinsic motivation of leisure-work and work-leisure were apparent and both were contrasted with the job. The relationship between work and leisure was not contrasted but interacted. We all had the basic right to relax and to enjoy their life.
The meaning of leisure should be seek from intrinsical happiness which all human beings pursued for their well-being. Happiness meant the process which human gave their best effort for their development, expression, and creation for the better lives. Therefore old reaware the concept of leisure at both respect of intrinsic and extrinsic meanings.
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The Relationship Between Paychology Ownership and Role Differentiation among Sport Group Members 체육철학 : 스포츠 집단 구성원의 역할차이와 심리적 소유감의 관계
강효민HyoMinKang , 최강진KangJinChoi
38(3) 69-76, 1999
The Relationship Between Paychology Ownership and Role Differentiation among Sport Group Members 체육철학 : 스포츠 집단 구성원의 역할차이와 심리적 소유감의 관계
강효민HyoMinKang , 최강진KangJinChoi
The purpose of this study to investigated the relationship between psychology ownership and role differentiation among sport group members. The subject of this study was 8 teams(N: 84) of the waterpolo teams that involved in the Federation National Swimming Championship had been which held on July, 1999 and it was selected by the cluster random sampling. The data were analysed through analysis of covariance and multiple classification analysis by SPSS/Windows program 6.1 Version.
According to the role differentiation in sport groups, psychology ownership to responsibility and tasks are different. In detail, starting members is more than switch players or substitute players. But psychology ownership to group is not different.
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Research on the Comparison of Distribution Status of Public and Private Athletic Facility in a Metropolitan Self-Governing body. 체육철학 : 광역자치단체의 공공 및 민간체육시설 분포 특성 비교에 관한 연구
Research on the Comparison of Distribution Status of Public and Private Athletic Facility in a Metropolitan Self-Governing body. 체육철학 : 광역자치단체의 공공 및 민간체육시설 분포 특성 비교에 관한 연구
The purpose of this research is to compare and review the status of public and private athletic facility in a metropolitan self-governing body and analyze the result with connection to Population` and `Administrative Area` and finally identify the area necessary for the supply of public and private athletic facilities.
The result shows that a great number of public and private athletic facilities have been distributed in Seoul and Kyounggi-do and Kwanwon-do has almost same number of public athletic facilities. The result from Z-score with two factors of `Population` and `Administrative Area` has also shown that the Z-score is high in Seoul, five metropolitans, Kyounggi-do, Jeju-do. In the mean time, it is low in Chungchong nam/buk-do, Jeonlanam/buk-do, Kyeungsangnam/buk-do.
The research shows how the priority in public and private athletic facility provision should be taken. Furthermore, it is advised that the Athletic Facility Provision Plan should be prepared for the metropolitan self-governing body necessary for the supply of public and private athletic facilities and the plan must include degree of resident preference, confirming to the character and the circumstance of the metropolitan self-governing body when expansion and maintenance of public and private athletic facility is necessary.
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The Influence of Sport Participation Motivation on Leisure Satisfaction and Iife Satisfaction of Leisure Sports Activity Participants 체육철학 : 생활체육참가자의 스포츠 참여동기가 여가만족과 생활만족에 미치는 영향
김옥태OkTaeKim , 정용승YongSeungJung , 채재성JaeSungChae
38(3) 87-95, 1999
The Influence of Sport Participation Motivation on Leisure Satisfaction and Iife Satisfaction of Leisure Sports Activity Participants 체육철학 : 생활체육참가자의 스포츠 참여동기가 여가만족과 생활만족에 미치는 영향
김옥태OkTaeKim , 정용승YongSeungJung , 채재성JaeSungChae
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of sport participant motivation on leisure satisfaction and life satisfaction among leisure sport participants. For accomplishing this purpose of the study, the 212 subjects were selected by the systematic random sampling method from the participants in leisure sports activity programs of sport facilities located in chong-ju area.
The survey questionnaires were used to data. The questionnaire for motivation was sport motivation scale(SMS)` and leisure intrinsic motivation(LIM)` developed by Vallarand et al.(1994) and Wessinger and Bandalos(1995) and standardized in Korean language by Jung(1997). The questionnaire for leisure satisfaction was `Leisure Satisfaction Scale(LSS)` developed by Beard and Ragheb(1980) and standardized in Korean language by Lee(1992).
The statistical methods utilized in this study for analyzing the collected data were correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and path analysis.
From the analysis of this study, the following conclusions were obtained:
Firstly, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation in a leisure sport activity correlate with leisure satisfaction and life satisfaction, a motivation doesn`t correlate with leisure satisfaction and life satisfaction.
Secondly, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation influence on leisure satisfaction and life satisfaction.
Thirdly, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation has a direct causal effect on leisure satisfaction and also indirect causal effect by the medium of leisure satisfaction on the life satisfaction among leisure sport participants.
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The Relationship between Self-Acceptance and Perceived Competence, Sports Involvement Style among the students in college of physical education. 체육철학 : 체육계열대학생의 스포츠 참가 유형과 지각 유능감 및 자아수용도의 관계
남재화JaeHwaNam , 고선혜SunHyeKo
38(3) 96-103, 1999
The Relationship between Self-Acceptance and Perceived Competence, Sports Involvement Style among the students in college of physical education. 체육철학 : 체육계열대학생의 스포츠 참가 유형과 지각 유능감 및 자아수용도의 관계
남재화JaeHwaNam , 고선혜SunHyeKo
The purpose of this study was to explore relationship between self-acceptance and perceived competence, sports involvement style among the students in college of physical education.
These results suggest that perceived competence are according to sport involvement style, here is different. In detail, group sports the higher of perceived competence than interpersonal sports, individual sport.
Concerning second question of this purpose, self acceptance are according to sport involvement style, perceived competence level, here is different. In detail, self-acceptance is the higher interpersonal sports, group sports and individual sport. And high levels group of perceived competence were higher in self-acceptance than under levels group. Also perceived competence and sport involvement style were significantly interaction effect in self-acceptance.
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The Influence of Bowling Activity on Level of Satisfaction in the Leisure Life of Women 체육철학 : 볼링이 여성의 여가 생활만족도에 미치는 영향
배숙진SukJinBae , 김흥만HungManKim
38(3) 104-116, 1999
The Influence of Bowling Activity on Level of Satisfaction in the Leisure Life of Women 체육철학 : 볼링이 여성의 여가 생활만족도에 미치는 영향
배숙진SukJinBae , 김흥만HungManKim
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of bowling activity on level of satisfaction in the leisure life of women by analyze the relationship between the degree of participation in bowling activity and the following satisfaction in daily life of the women who take parts in the bowling activity in Chongju city. As a result of the analysis of the mutual relationships - through demonstrative case study, the following conclusions are reached.
The relationships between the degree of participation in bowling activity and the following satisfaction in daily life are;
1) Period of participation satisfaction in daily life : while those who have more than 2 year and less than 3 year bowling experience take more interest in their daily life, those who have more than 4 year experience get self-confidence and a sense of relief. But, the period does not have much influence on the ability of social inter communication.
2) Frequency of participation satisfaction in daily life : those who participate 1 - 2 times a week have more fence of relief. But, those who participate 5 - 6 times a week have more interest in daily life, and those who do more than 3 - 4 times a week obtain more physical vitality than those who do 1 - 2 times a week. And, every day participates believe that bowling activity keep them healthy.
3) Time of participation satisfaction in daily life : those who participate for more than 90 minutes at once feel more interest in their daily life than those who do less than 30 minutes. And those who do more than 120 minutes feel more interest and believe that bowling activity brings them self-confidence to try soothing new, physical vitality and good health.
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A on The Sport Consciousness and Delinquency of Juvenile 체육철학 : 청소년의 스포츠 가치관과 비행의 관계
신영균YoungKhunShin , 조만태ManTaeCho
38(3) 117-129, 1999
A on The Sport Consciousness and Delinquency of Juvenile 체육철학 : 청소년의 스포츠 가치관과 비행의 관계
신영균YoungKhunShin , 조만태ManTaeCho
The purpose of This study are to recognize seriousness of juvenile problems in our society, to investigate juvenile delinquency in view of sports consciousness.
Survey variables are constituted of participating motivation, grade, home environment and pattern of participation connected with sport. This study identifies the difference of sport environment, self a notion, anxiety, fatigue, sport value influenced by independent variables which are factors of sport consciousness. Through this, the study pattern between delinquency inclination and delinquent action is established.
In order to prove the above hypotheses, the subject of this study was 1.800 middle and high school students in Pusan and was selected by the use of systematic stratified cluster random sampling. 1.773 were used on analysis the data was analysed by such statistical analysis as t-test, F-test, two way ANOVA, Duncan test, Correlation analysis, Stepwise Multiple Regression analysis, Discriminant analysis, Covaiance Structure analysis.
In order to identify relationship sport consciousness with delinquency of juvenile using data of actual proof.
The findings of this study are the followings.
1. Sports consciousness is different by significant other and home environment.
2. Sports consciousness is different by sports environment.
3. Sports consciousness is different by psychological character.
4. Sports consciousness has influence on the degree of delinquence.
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The Sociology of Sport Industry 체육철학 : 스포츠산업의 사회학
38(3) 130-140, 1999
The Sociology of Sport Industry 체육철학 : 스포츠산업의 사회학
The major purpose of this article is to discuss the contributions that sociology and sport sociology can make sport industry as an applied areas. This article applies sociological principles to sport industry and identifies areas of conceptual knowledge that could be included in sociological content of sport. Discussing the links between sociology, sport, and sport industry, the article suggests that knowledge of social factors influencing sport consumers and sport consumption, application of marketing principles to the sporting goods industry, a general understanding of the role of sport in the lives of individuals. And principles from organizational theory are some domains that link sociology of sport to the context of sport industry. Finally, while the sport industry including the sporting goods industry must by extremely sensitive to the subtleties of class and status, sport industry could be into the applied sociology of sport.
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The Study on the Difference of the Participating in Sports for All before and during IMF 체육철학 : IMF 전(前)과 중(中)의 생활체육 참여 차이에 관한 연구
38(3) 141-154, 1999
The Study on the Difference of the Participating in Sports for All before and during IMF 체육철학 : IMF 전(前)과 중(中)의 생활체육 참여 차이에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to find out, first of all, the relationship between I.M.F and sports for all movements, and then the characteristic of the participants according to the change of environment and immersion in sports for all because of I.M.F for serving the popularity of sports for all, and researching the effect on the participation of sports for all before and during I.M.F
250 participants are selected by using the method of the collections at random based on male and female`s population groups which were from more than aged 18 to less than aged 68 interested in sports for all. The question papers of only 231 participants were withdrawn from those of 250 participants.
The question papers of 12 participants answered no sincerely were excerpted from this study.
The question papers of only 219 participants is researched as the subjects of this study`s analyses.
Survey sample`s contents consist of 8 items in population`s sociological characteristic, 11 items in daily life, 11 items in sports for all, respectively, and totally 30 items.
The significant levels of survey samples in statistics are found to have 0.7767 in physiological characteristic, 0.6294 in psychological characteristic, 0.5120 in sociological characteristic.
This study`s public confidence is found to have a high level.
The conclusions through the above study`s method and process are as follows:
First, the participating of sports for all, before and during I.M.F, is found to have a significant difference.
Second, the participating of member`s types is found to have a significant difference.
Third, there is no difference between sports for all and psychological, sociological and physiological characteristics, before and during I.M.F.
Fourth, there is the correlation between the physical strength and fitness of participators of sports for all and psychological, and physiological characteristics and then there is no correlation in social characteristic before and during I.M.F.
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A Studty on Relationships Between Participation in Sports For All and Life Satisfaction 체육철학 : 생활체육 참가, 신체적 여가유능감, 사회적 여가유능감, 및 인지적 여가유능감과 생활만족 간의 인과관계
이학래HakLaeLee , 이진JinLee
38(3) 155-169, 1999
A Studty on Relationships Between Participation in Sports For All and Life Satisfaction 체육철학 : 생활체육 참가, 신체적 여가유능감, 사회적 여가유능감, 및 인지적 여가유능감과 생활만족 간의 인과관계
이학래HakLaeLee , 이진JinLee
This study was focused to find out main effects influencing self citizens`s yes or no of no of participation and levels of sport for all in leisure competence, that is, physical leisure competence, social leisure competence, and cognitive leisure competence and life satisfaction contrasting relationships and effects between participation of sport for all and life satisfaction of most prestudies in past were related to socio-economic variables.
The methods of statistics used to analyze the collected dates are lineal structural covariance analysis and descriptive analysis. Results obtained from this research are as follows: First, There were exposed to the significant causal relationship between background variables and participation level of sport for all.
Second, There were exposed to the significant causal relationship between background variables and physical leisure competence of participationers in sport for all.
Third, There were exposed to the significant causal relationship between background variables and social leisure competence of participationers in sport for all.
Forth, There were exposed to the significant causal relationship between background variables and cognitive leisure competence of participationers in sport for all.
Fifth, There were exposed to the significant causal relationship between background variables and life satisfaction of participationers in sport for all.
Sixth, There were exposed to the significant causal relationship between participation level of sport for all and physical leisure competence of the participationers in sport for all.
Seventh, There were exposed to the significant causal relationship between participation level of sport for all and social leisure competence of the participationers in sport for all.
Eighth, There were exposed to the significant causal relationship between participation level of sport for all and cognitive leisure competence of the participationers in sport for all.
Nineth, There were exposed to the significant causal relationship between participation level of sport for all and life satisfaction of participationers in sport for all.
Tenth, There were exposed to the circulated significant causal relationship among physical leisure competence, social leisure competence and cognitive leisure competence of participationers in sport for all.
Eleventh, There were exposed to the significant relationship between physical leisure competence and life satisfaction of participationers in sport for all.
Thirteenth, There were exposed to the significant relationship between cognitive leisure competence and life satisfaction of participationers in sport for all.
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Strategy to Develop Local Regions in Korea from Korea/Japan World Cup 2002 체육철학 : 지역사회 발전을 위한 한·일 월드컵 축구대회 개최의 전략
38(3) 170-183, 1999
Strategy to Develop Local Regions in Korea from Korea/Japan World Cup 2002 체육철학 : 지역사회 발전을 위한 한·일 월드컵 축구대회 개최의 전략
From the competition of Korea/Japan World Cup 2002 there would be a great chance to develop the surrounding area where the tournaments are held. The Olympic of 1988 in Seoul Korea, Korean government wanted to develop its national image around the globe. In Korea/Japan World Cup 2002, Korean government wants to build its national image but also this would help develop its local region where the tournaments are held. There are six things that need to be accomplish ;
1. For security reason and greater quality of competition, North and South Korea should merge to become one national team and share tournament location.
2. To increase the local economy we must use the 3-step model that was mentioned in this thesis.
3. The stadium must be multi-functional and the location of the stadium must be built in the area of future development.
4. Create community awareness and pride in their region.
5. Local regions must create a regional government that are well organized and proficient.
6. The local government must have enough power and founds to develop their physical education.
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The Relationship between Job Stress, Coping Strategies and Job Attitude of Coaches 체육철학 : 코치의 직무스트레스와 대처전략 및 직무태도와의 관계
조만태ManTaeCho , 신영균YoungKhunShin
38(3) 184-194, 1999
The Relationship between Job Stress, Coping Strategies and Job Attitude of Coaches 체육철학 : 코치의 직무스트레스와 대처전략 및 직무태도와의 관계
조만태ManTaeCho , 신영균YoungKhunShin
The purpose of this study was to investigation the relationship between job stress. coping strategies(problem solution, emotional control, emotional avoidance, logical thinking, support pursuit), and Job Attitude (organizational commitment, job satisfaction, turnover intention). Unequal proportional stratified sampling was made from the population of coaches belonging to the Sports Association of Pusan Metropolitan City: Among 516 coaches who answered the questionnaire, 484(409 males and 75 females) subjects were finally chosen.
The statistics analysis method adapted Cronbach`α, Factor Analysis, Pearson`s Correlation Analysis, Stepwise, Enter Multiful Regression.
The results are as follows :
first, Job stress is most affected by the factor of emotional avoidance,
second, In terms of strategy and structural effectiveness, problem solution is largely used in order to increase organizational commitment.
third, As to the relationship between job stress and Job Attitude, the more job stress was, the higher turnover intention and lower job satisfaction were noticed.
forth, The proper choice of coping strategies to increase organization commitment will heighten coaches` job satisfaction in their sports organization, also, the measurement of job stress levels according to coaches` turnover intention.
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The Influence of TV Sports Program Audiences Interest on their Satisfaction 체육철학 : TV 스포츠 수용자의 프로그램 관심도가 만족도에 미치는 영향
최상배SangBaiChoi , 김양래YangReaKim
38(3) 195-207, 1999
The Influence of TV Sports Program Audiences Interest on their Satisfaction 체육철학 : TV 스포츠 수용자의 프로그램 관심도가 만족도에 미치는 영향
최상배SangBaiChoi , 김양래YangReaKim
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between TV sports program audience`s interest and their satisfaction. Subjects for this study consisted of residents in Seoul over 10 years old. Total 700 respondents finished questionnaires from March 15 to March 29 of 1999 and among them 670 questionnaires were used. For data analysis, the Systematic stratified cluster random sampling method were used.
Measurement of TV sports program audience`s interest and satisfaction was used based on previous research of Kim, Sook-Ja and Kim, Yang-Rea(1996), Kim, Yang-Rea(1998) after testing the validity and reliance.
Analysis of the data was done by Descriptive statistics and One-way Anova analysis using the SPSS/PC+ statistical package.
The results from this research were as follows:
1. The less TV sports program audience`s interest was, the more satisfaction to the amount of broadcasting was appeared.
2. For the relationship between the audience`s interest and their satisfaction to the variety of sports event, the significant results were found only in male sports event.
3. The more TV sports program audience`s interest was, they showed in general the more satisfaction to the amusement of broadcasting.
4. The more TV sports program audience`s interest, the higher degree of satisfaction was appeared to the amount of information transmission in general. However, the result was not statistically significant.
5. The more TV sports program audience`s interest, the more satisfaction was found to the fairness of broadcasting in general. However, the result was not statistically significant.
6. The TV sports program audience`s interest did not influence on their satisfaction to the natural sposition of the program announcer.
7. The higher TV sports program audience`s interest, the higher their satisfaction to the special knowledge of the program commentator.
8. TV sport program audience with average interest showed the highest degree of satisfaction to the reality of broadcasting.
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A Difference of Recognition of the Group Norms of the Elite Team and Recreational Sport Team and Recreational Sport Team According to the Ranks of Members. 스포츠심리학 : 성원의 지위에 따른 운동부 및 스포츠 동아리 집단규범 인지의 차이
김명수MyungSooKim , 조인철InChulCho , 조영제YoungJaeCho
38(3) 211-219, 1999
A Difference of Recognition of the Group Norms of the Elite Team and Recreational Sport Team and Recreational Sport Team According to the Ranks of Members. 스포츠심리학 : 성원의 지위에 따른 운동부 및 스포츠 동아리 집단규범 인지의 차이
김명수MyungSooKim , 조인철InChulCho , 조영제YoungJaeCho
This study, in order to investigate whether the degree of the recognition about the rigidity of the group norms which elite sport team and sport recreational team have is relevant to the ranks of the members, operated Kim`s(1992) five group norm scales for school athletic teams with 340 objects who belong to men`s 15 elite sport team and 10 sport recreational team in the university.
In the school athletic teams there exists a school year difference among members, which means status difference, and so to investigate the difference between the norms of each group and norm recognition according to the members` status, this study executed 2 (elite sport team, recreational sport teams) 4(school year) dispersion analysis respectively about group norms of the elite sport team of 5 different universities.
The result of the study are as follows.
1. In elite sport team higher status members recognized attitude norm more generously than lower status members, but in sport recreational team there is no difference of recognition according to the members` status.
2. In performance norm there is no difference of recognition according to the status of both elite sport team and recreational sport team but the performance norm of the elite sport team shows more rigidity than the sport recreational team.
3. In elite sport team higher status members recognize life style norm more generously than lower status members but in sport recreational team there is no difference of recognition according to the members` status.
4. In both elite sport team and sport recreational team higher status members recognize relationship maintainence norm more generously than lower status members.
5. In both elite sport team and sport recreational team higher status members recognize service for senior student norm more generously than lower status members.
From above, this study got such result as "In both elite sport team and sport recreational team the higher the members` status is, the lower the degree of rigidity concerning the norm recognition is".
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Adolescents' Perception and Perception Bias to Health Risk : Difference in Gender and Culture 스포츠심리학 : 청소년기의 건강위험 지각과 지각편견: 성별 및 문화적 차이
38(3) 220-232, 1999
Adolescents' Perception and Perception Bias to Health Risk : Difference in Gender and Culture 스포츠심리학 : 청소년기의 건강위험 지각과 지각편견: 성별 및 문화적 차이
This study reported on research that was undertaken to investigate health risks perceptions and perception bias of adolescents according to gender and two different cultural settings. Four hundred and sixteen adolescents (208 Korean and 208 Australian) randomly selected from high schools in Seoul, Korea and Sydney, Australia were the subjects used in this study. The study was quantitative, with data gathered through the use of the modified Self and Other Risk perception questionnaire that examined health risk perceptions and perception bias of adolescents. Results indicated that adolescents tended to have unrealistic perceptions about their vulnerability to the overall health risks and perceived their likelihood of health mishap as lower than that of others in the same age. Female adolescents, when compared with males, tended to perceive their own health risks as lower than those of their male peers. Cultural differences existed in perception bias in that Korean adolescents perceived their likelihood of most of the health risks as lower than risks faced by the Australian adolescents. The data obtained provides a basis on which to potentially develop, refine or co-ordinate educational strategies concerning adolescent health, particularly directed towards exploring health related information about the Korean adolescents.
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A Study on The Relationship Between Temperament and Motor Ability an Infancy 스포츠심리학 : 유아의 기질과 운동능력에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between temperament and motor ability an infant, to identify the role of temperament to effect an individual variation of motor ability, and to basic data with motor program for a development of motor ability an infant.
The Subjects (N=376) were selected from five kindergartens in Seoul. Temperament rating scale was developed by Hee-Young Chun (1993) for temperament evaluation, and BMAT was use of Arnheim & Sinclair (1979). Data analyses were derived through the use of Statistical Analysis System (SAS 6.12). According to gender, the differences between temperament and motor ability by T-test and the relationship between temperament variables and tear ability variables by Pearson`s correlations. The results were as follows:
First, According to the differences between males and females in temperament, females had higher than males in intensity of reaction. The reaction of females had more keen and stronger than the reaction of males in a stimulus. Other variables were not significant differences between males and females.
Second, According to the differences between males and females in motor ability, males had higher than females in power and agility. Females had higher than males in flexibility. Other variables were not significant differences between males and females.
Third, According to the correlation between temperament and motor ability, there was a low positive correlation between activity level and power. There were a low negative correlation between intensity of reaction and coordination and between intensity of reaction and power.
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The Relationship Among Perceived Coaching Behaviors, Perceptions of Sport Experience, and Interinsic Motivation in Competitive Youth Sport 스포츠심리학 : 청소년 운동선수의 지각된 코칭행동과 스포츠 경험지각 및 내적동기 요소간의 관계
38(3) 244-259, 1999
The Relationship Among Perceived Coaching Behaviors, Perceptions of Sport Experience, and Interinsic Motivation in Competitive Youth Sport 스포츠심리학 : 청소년 운동선수의 지각된 코칭행동과 스포츠 경험지각 및 내적동기 요소간의 관계
This study examined the relationship among perceived coaching behaviors, perceptions of sport experience, and intrinsic motivation in youth sport players. Male and female athletes(N=364) assessed their coaches` behaviors and their own perception of sport experience and subscales of intrinsic motivation inventory using self-report measures which was evaluated psycometric validity and reliability. A preliminary 2×2 MANOVA was conducted to determine whether there were significant gender and sport type difference on coaching behaviors. Result revealed significant gender main effects. Thus, a set of multiple regression analyses were conducted for male and female groups. The results of analysis indicate that there are meaningful relationship among perceived coaching behaviors, perceptions of sport experience, and subscales of intrinsic motivation. In case of male, all coaching behaviors influenced sport satisfaction, attitudes toward the coach, enjoyment, and effort. Also, perceived coaching behaviors were associated with sport satisfaction, attitudes toward the coach, enjoyment in female athletes. Specifically, reinforcement that were praise and encouragement, and technical instruction were positively related to sport satisfaction, attitudes toward the coach, enjoyment, and effort. But verbal and physical punishment were negatively related to such variables. Results in the present study were discussed in conceptual and empirical aspects based on Harter` competence motivation theory, Vallerand’ intrinsic motivation modal, including coach-athlete relationships.
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The effect of the extra-curricular physical activity influencing the phychological well-being of the youth 스포츠심리학 : 방과후 자율체육활동이 청소년의 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향
38(3) 260-271, 1999
The effect of the extra-curricular physical activity influencing the phychological well-being of the youth 스포츠심리학 : 방과후 자율체육활동이 청소년의 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향
This study carries out researches on the influence of the youth`s psychological well-being for middle school students` after school self-control physical education.
For this influence, the youth is classified into the experiment group and control group and trained the after school physical education activity for two months a hour of 3days a week, and then Ireserehed and analyzed through the enquete, As a result, I got conclusion as follows:
1. There were a little bit difference in the mental self-confidence and physical self-confidence among the experiment group and control group before the after school physical education activity.
2. There were a little bit difference in the willing consent, immersion, self-realization, and happiness among the two group before the after school physical education activity.
3. There were more proper difference in the mental self-confidence, and physical self-confidence and of personal relations among the two group after school physical education activity.
4. There were more proper difference in the willing consent, immersion, self-realization, and happiness among the two group after school physical education activity.
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Movement Control Characteristics as a Function of Practice and Skill Level in Golf Putting 스포츠심리학 : 정확도 과제의 연습과 숙련도에 따른 동작제어의 특성
38(3) 272-281, 1999
Movement Control Characteristics as a Function of Practice and Skill Level in Golf Putting 스포츠심리학 : 정확도 과제의 연습과 숙련도에 따른 동작제어의 특성
Movement control characteristics in golf putting were compared between novice and expert golf players along with a comparison between pre-and post-practice performance of novice players. Several movement parameters including performance outcomes were derived from film analyses of putting movement taken from 10 novice players as well as 5 expert players for three different distances(short, medium, long). As well, novice players were gone through seven sessions of practice spanning over a week. Analyses of data revealed that the range of forward swing(measured in displacement) was significantly longer for expert players than for novice players, while the duration of forward swing was also longer for the expert players. Other significant differences were also observed in performance errors between novice and expert players along with putting distance×skill level interaction effect. Relative time ratio of forward to backward swings was different between skill levels. The results were discussed in terms of mechanical perspective.
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A Critical Incident Study of Middle School Students Positive and Negative Perceptions about Physical Education Teacher 스포츠교육학 : 중학생들의 중학교 체육교사 인식에 관한 긍정·부정적 주요사건 기록 분석
38(3) 285-296, 1999
A Critical Incident Study of Middle School Students Positive and Negative Perceptions about Physical Education Teacher 스포츠교육학 : 중학생들의 중학교 체육교사 인식에 관한 긍정·부정적 주요사건 기록 분석
The purpose of this investigation was to understand what middle school student perceive as salient feature in their physical education teachers. In order to get data, written critical incident descriptions were employed from 600 middles school students in three different cities. Written accounts were extracted, sorted, categorized and final categories were made. Subjects expressed many different features, providing physical education classes with indirect evidence of things that they have done in physical education classes. Many features grouped around instruction and teacher characteristics, learning environment and activity. The most popular responses in a single category was teachers` characteristics and teaching behavior in the negative category and teachers` characteristics in the positive category. The results of the study showed that teachers` characteristics was the most important thing for the students than any other categories. Some suggestions for teachers` based on students` evaluation were provided.
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An Analysis on Curriculum Implementations with of Physical Education Teachers at Selected Schools. 스포츠교육학 : 체육교사의 교육과정에 대한 관심도 및 활용도 분석
38(3) 297-311, 1999
An Analysis on Curriculum Implementations with of Physical Education Teachers at Selected Schools. 스포츠교육학 : 체육교사의 교육과정에 대한 관심도 및 활용도 분석
The study was to define the relationship of interests of physical education teacher and utilization of PE curriculum and any obstacles to utilize in the PE class of the private and public school`s teacher.
The method of this research in the study used the questionnaire about teacher`s interests and utilization of PE curriculum of Hall, Geroge, and Rutherford(1977) and revision of PE curriculum of Moore, Wideman, and Dilling(1984). The questionnaire of this research was composed of ten questions for interests and utilization on the PE curriculum. In the research, the questionnaire was made by self-adminstration method using SPSS/PC 7.0 version for Windows to analyze data, such as %, multiple regression analysis.
From the analysis of the data, this study reached the following conclusion :
First, the interest level of teachers on the PE curriculum shows that most PE teachers don`t put into practice the sixth PE curriculum in their class, and aren`t interested in PE curriculum. The uninterested level for the sixth PE curriculum are greatly different in accordance with sex(mala/female), private/public school, teaching experiences, classes, and ages, respectively.
Second, the more interests (that is, managerial, cooperative and man-to-man relationships interests in the seven sub factors of PE curriculum) the teacher has, the higher level teacher is placed for feature and concept of PE curriculum. The more interests the teacher has for uninterests and individual, resulting, cooperative interests in the seven factors of PE curriculum, the higher level the teachers placed for utilization of PE curriculum. The more interests the teacher has for man-to-man relationship, resulting, and cooperative interests in the seven factors of PE curriculum, the higher level the teacher is placed for utilization of PE curriculum. The more interests the teacher has for uninterests and cooperative, resulting, alternative interests in the seven factors of PE curriculum, the higher level the teacher is placed for utilization of PE curriculum. The more interests the teacher has for uninterests and individual, cooperative, resulting interests in the seven factors of PE curriculum, the higher level the teacher is placed for evaluating utilization of PE curriculum.
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A Study on Influencing Factors in health-promoting Lifestyle of Physical Education Majors and General students 스포츠교육학 : 체육학 전공학생들과 일반학생들의 건강증진 생활양식과 관련요인연구
김재호JaeHoKim , 안혜경HyeGyungAn
38(3) 312-326, 1999
A Study on Influencing Factors in health-promoting Lifestyle of Physical Education Majors and General students 스포츠교육학 : 체육학 전공학생들과 일반학생들의 건강증진 생활양식과 관련요인연구
김재호JaeHoKim , 안혜경HyeGyungAn
The purpose of this study were to comparison of the degree of performance between physical education majors and general students and to identify the variable related to performance in health-promoting lifestyle of physical education majors and general students.
The subjects of this study were 154 physical education majors students and 147 general college students in 4 University. The sample data were collected using a purposive sampling method from April 30 to May 14.
The collected data were analysed by using descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Stepwised Multiple Regression with SPSS 7.5 for window program.
The results of this research were as follows.
1. The means of performance in health-promoting lifestyle of college students revealed total 2.523 : harmonious relationships 3.156, sanitary life 2.950, self actualization 2.893. Whereas the one with lowest degrees was the professional health management (mean=1.546).
2. As a result of comparison of the degree of performance between physical education majors and general students, it was found that there was not statistically significant difference. But, it was found that there were significant difference in such as self regulation(t=2.109, p<0.05) and exercise and activity(t=4.129, p<0.05).
3. The relationship between the degree of performance in health-promoting lifestyle and its related variable were as follows.
1) Performance in the health-promoting lifestyle was significantly correlates with self esteem(r=0.497, p<0.05), perceived health status(r=0.223, p<0.05), internal and powerful others locus of control(r=3.04, r=0.218, p<0.05), age(r=0.220, p<0.05).
2) The most important factor that affects performance in the health promoting lifestyle of college students was self esteem. The combination of self esteem, internal and powerful others locus of control, perceived health status, age accounted for 33.3% of variance in health promoting lifestyle of college students.
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A Comparative Study on the Curriculums of Physical Education in Elementary Schools of South·North Korea and Japan. 스포츠교육학 : 남북한(南北韓)과 일본(日本)의 초등학교(初等學校) 체육과(體育科) 교육과정(敎育課程)에 관한 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)
38(3) 327-344, 1999
A Comparative Study on the Curriculums of Physical Education in Elementary Schools of South·North Korea and Japan. 스포츠교육학 : 남북한(南北韓)과 일본(日本)의 초등학교(初等學校) 체육과(體育科) 교육과정(敎育課程)에 관한 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)
This study is to compare and analyze about the formal curriculums of national level in the elementary schools of South·North Korea and Japan, and about the changes, learning objectives, learning contents, managements, and evaluations of the curriculum of physical education by a part of Bereday`s comparative research method and tire results are as follows :
1. Curriculums of physical education have changed through 6, 5, and 6 times in South·North Korea and Japan respectively.
2. Learning objectives of curriculums of physical education are emphasized the skills of sports in South Korea, communist moral character by physical education in North Korea, and pleasant participation of sports itself and affective domain in Japan.
3. Learning contents of curriculums of physical education are consisted of an integrated subject at 1·2 grade and 6 fields at 3∼6 grades in South Korea, mainly related to physical education for national defense in North Korea, and consisted of 2 fields at 1·2 grade, 5 fields at 3·4 grade, 6 fields at 5·6 grade in Japan respectively.
4. Curriculums of physical education are managed to 102 hours a year(34 weeks) in South Korea, 76(38) in North Korea, and 105(34) in Japan respectively.
5. Evaluations of curriculums of physical education are presented dearly in curriculum of South Korea, done one time at 4 grade to check the achievement degree of regular standard of physical ability in North Korea, and are not presented concretely in learning guiding method and implemented variously according to communities and schools in Japan.
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The Development of a Model Curriculum for Physical Education in Teacher Training Institutions 스포츠교육학 : 제7차 교육과정에 따른 교원양성기관의 체육교육과정 프로그램 모형 개발
정도상DoSangJeong , 김신겸SinKyeomKim
38(3) 345-358, 1999
The Development of a Model Curriculum for Physical Education in Teacher Training Institutions 스포츠교육학 : 제7차 교육과정에 따른 교원양성기관의 체육교육과정 프로그램 모형 개발
정도상DoSangJeong , 김신겸SinKyeomKim
The purpose of this study is to analyze the 7th education program, analyze how it is connected with the educational courses of the department of physical education, find out and solve the problems, and purpose a desirable paradigm for courses of physical education in teacher` college.
This study places its focus on finding ways to complement the pedagogical background, improving curriculum contents, and then developing a model of a desirable educational course in the present teacher college curricular. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; the first, at present, the courses of the department of physical education make too much of curriculum contents. So, it is necessary to keep the balance between curriculum contents and pedagogical background. The second, the frame of curriculum of the department of physical education should be basically made up of liberal arts, general education, pedagogical knowledge, and optional subjects including educational theories on physical education, courses of physical education, teaching methods of physical education, evaluation of physical education, teaching methods of physical education with multimedia, teaching practice of physical education. Such a well-organized frame would help to produce both good evaluation methods which is pertinent to the reformative changes in education, and teaching methods with multimedia for current information society. The third, in the 7th education program of a secondary school, all practical subjects should be organized as required courses by the tenth grade, and then elective ones for 11th and 12th grades. The forth, sports psychology has to be subdivided into introduction to sports psychology, sports-social psychology, developmental psychology, athletic-educational psychology. The reason is why both developmental psychology and athletic-educational psychology are two disciplines of physical education. The fifth, to help the teachers to take the courses of double majors, only essential subjects have to be established with about 50 grades in each subject.
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The Effect of Swimming on Reactive Oxygen and Antioxidant Enzymes in Hyperlipidemia Rata 스포츠생리학 : 수영이 고지혈증 흰쥐의 활성산소 및 항산화효소에 미치는 영향
고기준KiJunKo , 김태운TaeUnKim
38(3) 361-374, 1999
The Effect of Swimming on Reactive Oxygen and Antioxidant Enzymes in Hyperlipidemia Rata 스포츠생리학 : 수영이 고지혈증 흰쥐의 활성산소 및 항산화효소에 미치는 영향
고기준KiJunKo , 김태운TaeUnKim
The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate the effects of swimming on response of reactive oxygen and antioxidant enzymes activity of hyperlipidemia rats. Twenty-five male SD rats(6 weeks old) were randomly divided into control group and 4 swimming groups after hyperlipidemia induction for 4 weeks 1% cholesterol diet, and then swimming groups swam for 6 weeks(7days/week) divided into 30 min. unloaded swimming group, 30 min. loaded swimming group, 60 min. unloaded swimming group and 60 min. loaded swimming group by swimming duration and intensity. The loaded swimming group rats among swimming groups swam a lead weight equivalent to 5% of body weight attached to the base of the tail.
Analytical items were reactive oxygen(MDA, xanthine oxidase, hydroxyl radical) and antioxidant enzymes(SOD, glutathione, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase) activity.
All data were expressed as mean and standard deviation by using SPSS/PC+ program, and to evaluate the differences between and inter groups, data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance and Duncan multiple range test(α=.05) was performed to test the significant levels of differences between groups. The conclusions obtained from this study were as follows;
1. In xanthine oxidase, 30 min. unloaded swimming group, 30 min. loaded swimming group and 60 min. unloaded swimming group were significantly higher than control group(P<.06).
2. In hydroxyl radical, 30 min. unloaded swimming group were significantly lower than control group, 60 min. unloaded swimming group and 60 min. loaded swimming group(P<.001). There was not significant between groups in malondialdehyde.
3. In glutathione content, 60 min. unloaded swimming group and 60 min. loaded swimming group were significantly higher than control group and 30 min. unloaded swimming group(P<.01), and in glutathione reductase, control group, 30 min. unloaded swimming group and 30 min. loaded swimming group were significantly higher than 60 min. unloaded swimming group and 60 min. loaded swimming group(P<.01). There was not significant in superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.
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The Effects of Serum Lipids and Aerobic Exercise Capacity on Diet Habits in Mild Anemia Groups. 스포츠생리학 : 경증 빈혈 집단에서 식습관이 혈청지질 및 유산소성 운동능력에 미치는 영향
김남익NamIkKim , 유명수MyungSooYoo
38(3) 375-385, 1999
The Effects of Serum Lipids and Aerobic Exercise Capacity on Diet Habits in Mild Anemia Groups. 스포츠생리학 : 경증 빈혈 집단에서 식습관이 혈청지질 및 유산소성 운동능력에 미치는 영향
김남익NamIkKim , 유명수MyungSooYoo
To study the effects of serum lipids and aerobic exercise capacity on diet habits in mild anemia groups, 52 women who aged 30-40 years were checked by medical process and exercise stress testing. Subjects were divided into the 3 groups that were vegetable diet, meat diet, mixture diet. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance oneway ANOVA test.
Results of this study are following.
Hemoglobin and hematocrit was showed higher in meat diet group compared with other groups. Percent body fat was significantly lower in vegetable diet group compared with other groups(p<0.05). Pulmonary function test was no significant difference. Serum lipids was significantly higher in meat diet group compared with other groups(p<0.05). In aerobic exercise capacity, peak heart rate and peak systolic blood pressure were significantly higher meat diet group compared with other groups(p<0.05), but V˙O₂peak, VEpeak, VE/MVV, exercise duration was no significant difference.
Conclusionally, speculate that the impact of moderate exercise on blood volume status is likely to depend on a number of factors such as the initial status, the nature and intensity of the exercise, and the level and availability of iron, meat, vitamin C in the diet. It is therefore prudent to increase the awareness of the public about the importance of maintaining normal hemoglobin, serum lipids levels when beginning aerobic exercise types of exercise activities.
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Effects of cross training on blood lipid and cholestorol 스포츠생리학 : 교차훈련이 혈중 지질 및 콜레스테롤에 미치는 영향
김영표YoungPyoKim , 고기채KiChaeKo
38(3) 386-399, 1999
Effects of cross training on blood lipid and cholestorol 스포츠생리학 : 교차훈련이 혈중 지질 및 콜레스테롤에 미치는 영향
김영표YoungPyoKim , 고기채KiChaeKo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cross training on the blood lipid and cholesterol.
The subjects for this study were twenty-one healthy male university students who participated in this experiment voluntarily and didn`t have any disease. The subjects were divided into three groups: swim training group(N=7), combined swim training and circuit weight training group(N=7), and control group(N=7).
Both the experimental groups were trained for 12 weeks. The subjects in the swim training performed 120 min in about, four times a week at target heart rate with the intensity of 70∼80% HRmax. The subjects in circuit weight training performed three circuits using a work-to-rest ratio of 30s : 30s three times a week on non-consecutive days at 40% of one-repetition maximum. For the TC, HDL-C, LDL-C and TG, pre, mid and post-test were conducted before the training at the 8 weeks of training and after training(12 weeks), respectively. The results of this study were as follows:
1. In the cross training group and swim training group, rest TC, LDL-C were decreased significantly after training(12 weeks) and HDL-C were increased significantly after training(8weeks, 12 weeks), respectively. Post maximum exercise, TC, LDL-C showed significant difference after training(12 weeks)
2. In both the training groups, at rest and post maximum exercise HDL-C and TG showed significant difference after training(8weeks, 12 weeks) and in the cross training group, rest TC(12 weeks) and LDL-C(8weeks, 12 weeks) showed significant differences after training, in the cross training group, rest LDL-C showed significant differences after training(12 weeks) compared to control group.
In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that cross training can contribute to the better improvement in the blood lipid than individual training.
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Calculation on the muscle mass of quadriceps femoris using the anthropometric variables 스포츠생리학 : 인체계측변인을 이용한 대퇴사두근의 근량 산출
김훈HoonKim , 권태동TaeDongKwon , 안병철ByungCheolAhn
38(3) 400-412, 1999
Calculation on the muscle mass of quadriceps femoris using the anthropometric variables 스포츠생리학 : 인체계측변인을 이용한 대퇴사두근의 근량 산출
김훈HoonKim , 권태동TaeDongKwon , 안병철ByungCheolAhn
The purposes of this investigation was to drive and validate circumference and anthropometric equations for estimating muscle mass of thigh muscles. A total of 18 subjects were involved in this study; nine being in the experimental group and nine in the testing group. For the subjects in the experimental group, forty-five to fifty-five MRI slices at sagittal planes were obtained with an interval of 10㎜. Also, six to eight photographs of coronary planes were taken for the same subjects in order to calculate PCSA(physiological cross-sectional area). With the examination MRI slices and coronary plane photographs, multiple-regression analyses were used to drive equations for predicting thigh muscle mass of dominant limb from the anthropometric dimensions on a random sample of 18 of subjects.
Cross-validation(CV) analyses were performed for each equation on;
(a) the dominant thigh of the derivation group(n=9)
(b) the dominant thigh of the CV group(n=9) Using the multiple-regression analyses(stepwise), the following prediction equation were obtained for muscle mass. The important predicting variables in the two equations are from X1 to X5. The results of the following have been drawn.
Where; constant = -2025.33076,
b₁ = -40.76066, X₁ = the skinfold of proximal 2/5 thigh,
b₂ = 104.87551, X₂ = the circumference of mid thigh,
b₃ = -55.12454, X₃ = the circumference of proximal 4/5 thigh,
b₄ = -54.98727, X₄ = calf length, and
b5 = 411.09652, X5 = the breadth of knee.
The estimating equation were resulted in the explanation of 91%(R=.95, R²=.91, SEE=66.79, P<.001). From the results of CV, there was no significant(P=,05) difference between value of MRI and estimating equations.
It was concluded that the anthropometric equation developed can be used to reasonably predict muscle mass, in that it is the only ones which were developed based on in vivo-method(a live human body).
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Relationship of Central Fatigue and Changes in Plasma and Urine Concentrations of Amino Acid Before and After Olympic Course Triathlon 스포츠생리학 : 철인 3종 경기 전·후 혈장 및 뇨 아미노산 농도의 변화와 피로의 관련성
나재철JaeChulNa , 김정태JumgTaeKim
38(3) 413-427, 1999
Relationship of Central Fatigue and Changes in Plasma and Urine Concentrations of Amino Acid Before and After Olympic Course Triathlon 스포츠생리학 : 철인 3종 경기 전·후 혈장 및 뇨 아미노산 농도의 변화와 피로의 관련성
나재철JaeChulNa , 김정태JumgTaeKim
This study investigated the relationship of central fatigue and changes in plasma and urine concentrations of amino acid before and after an olympic course triathlon. The subjects of this experiment were 14 well-trained men participated in a `97 Sokcho triathlon event, on a cool, cloudy and windy day. Of all the subjects, 7 triathletes consisted of the elite group(EG) and 7 triathletes were composed of the age group(AG), respectively. Prior to the start of triathlon, 5㎖ blood was taken from the antecubial vein and 20㎖ urine of the subjects were taken, respectively. Blood and urine were again taken from the subjects at the end of triathlon event. Plasma and urine amino acids were determined by Biochrome 20 Amino Acid Analyzer. Blood urine nitrogen and uric acid were determined by Hitachi 7150. FFA was measured by spectrophotometer. Before triathlon event, total plasma and urine amino acid concentrations showed significantly(p<.05) decrease in EG than that of AG. As compared to pre-race, Plasma amino acid concentrations of post-race in EG were increased in 22 individual amino acids by 1∼112%, and decreased in isoleucine(-26%), lysine(-1%), serine(-1%), α-aminobutyric acid(-27%), 1-Methylhistidine(-33%), and arginine(-1%). In contrast to the above, Plasma amino acid concentrations of post-race in AG were decreased in 21 individual amino acids by 1∼47%, and increased in methionine(+25%), tryptophan(+53%), aspartate(+20%), cystine(+12%), tyrosine(+5%), ethanolamine(+23%), and 3-Methylhistidine(+58%). As compared to pre-race, Urine amino acid concentrations of post-race in EG were increased in EAA(+17%), NEAA(+9%), and TAA(+10%), while significantly(p<0.05) decreased in EAA(-15%), NEAA(-19%), and TAA(-19%) in AG. As compared to pre-race, Sulfur-containing amino acids(taurine, cystine, methionine), aromatic amino acids(phenylalanine, tryptophan, tyrosine), AAA/BCAA, and Trp/BCAA ratio of post-race were increased. It could be regarded that there was the relationship between the central fatigue and plasma concentrations of amino acid. These results were considered as causing olympic course triathlon event to result in imbalance of plasma and urine amino acid concentrations in two groups. During triathlon event, changes in individual amino acid concentrations were found to have a significant difference from precompetition stress, intensity of exercise and duration of exercise as well as metabolic process state by subject`s physiological condition and environmental condition, before and during the event diet condition.
The effects of exercise and diet therapy on visceral fat area of the obese women 스포츠생리학 : 운동과 식사요법이 비만여성의 복부 지방면적에 미치는 영향
노호성HoSungNho , 최성근SungKeunChoi , 임기원KiWonLim
38(3) 428-438, 1999
The effects of exercise and diet therapy on visceral fat area of the obese women 스포츠생리학 : 운동과 식사요법이 비만여성의 복부 지방면적에 미치는 영향
노호성HoSungNho , 최성근SungKeunChoi , 임기원KiWonLim
In this study we made a comparative analysis of diet therapy, exercise and therapy combine with diet and exercise to investigate their effects on visceral fat area of obese women.
The conclusion is as follows:
Anthropometric factors, such as body weight, body mass index, % fat, fat mass, free fat mass, waist circumference, hip circumference, WHR, significantly decreased in all group.
Visceral fat area decreased in the order of therapy combine with diet and exercise, exercise and diet therapy.
In all group the decreasing ratio of visceral fat area was larger than that of subcutaneous fat area.
As there was no relationship between the changes of VFA and WHR, careful caution is needed in estimating the change of VFA caused by WHR.
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Comparison of the maximal fat oxidation exercise intensity and EPOC between trained and untrained women 스포츠생리학 : 최대산소섭취량 수준에 따른 최대지방연소 운동강도와 EPOC의 비교
마주연JuYounMa , 이용수YoungSooLee , 하민수MinSooHa
38(3) 439-447, 1999
Comparison of the maximal fat oxidation exercise intensity and EPOC between trained and untrained women 스포츠생리학 : 최대산소섭취량 수준에 따른 최대지방연소 운동강도와 EPOC의 비교
마주연JuYounMa , 이용수YoungSooLee , 하민수MinSooHa
The purpose of this study were to compare the magnitude of excess post-excise oxygen consumption(EPOC) following maximal exercise and the maximal fat oxidation exercise intensity during maximal exercise between trained and untrained. The subjects of this study were eight aerobic gymnastic players(VO₂ max 50±2.7㎖/㎏/min; high VO₂ group; HV) and seven non-athletes(VO₂ max 37.9±1.2㎖/㎏/min; low VO₂ group; LV). Oxygen uptake(VO₂), respiratory exchange ratio(RER), total kilocalories per minute(Tkcal), fat kilocalories per minute(Fkcal), and the magnitude of excess post-exercise oxygen. consumption(EPOC) were measured during the rest 30 min, maximal exercise and the 30 min recovery periods.
The main findings of this study were as follows;
1. There was significant difference in oxygen uptake(p<0.05), but no significant differences were observed in the respiratory exchange ratio and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption between groups.
2. There were significant differences in oxygen uptake and respiratory exchange ratio between rest and recovery period(p<0.05). The oxygen uptake during the recovery period was significantly higher in LV and in HV until post 20 min(5.60㎖/㎏/min) and post 25 min(5.53㎖/㎏/min), respectively.
These results suggest that EPOC and maximal fat oxidation exercise intensity were not significantly different by maximal oxygen uptake levels, but duration of EPOC were longer for HV.
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Muscle morphology and effects of recovery types on repeated anaerobic metabolism in sprint swimmers 스포츠생리학 : 수영선수들의 상지골격근 조성과 회복방법이 반복적인 무산소 대사에 미치는 영향
Muscle morphology and effects of recovery types on repeated anaerobic metabolism in sprint swimmers 스포츠생리학 : 수영선수들의 상지골격근 조성과 회복방법이 반복적인 무산소 대사에 미치는 영향
To evaluate correlations between the anaerobic power of upper body and morphology of the deltoid muscle and the effects of recovery types on repeated anaerobic metabolism in sprint swimmers, the wingate anaerobic power test was repeatedly performed using upper body. The exercise protocol consisted of three 30-sec maximal sprints with 6 min of recovery between each sprint on a cycle ergometer. The first recovery was passive and The second recovery was either an active (cycling at 0.05 kp, 60 rpm) or a passive recovery. Muscle biopsies from the deltoid muscle were analysed to identify fiber types.
The results showed a positive correlation between type II fiber distribution of the deltoid muscle and anaerobic power. On the other hand, a negative correlation was found between type I fiber distribution of the deltoid muscle and anaerobic power during the first sprint. During the second sprint, type II fiber distribution of the deltoid muscle was negatively correlated with anaerobic power. But type I fiber distribution of the deltoid muscle was positively correlated with anaerobic power.
During the active recovery PCr resyntheses, clearance of lactate, recovery of pH, muscle blood flow, and oxygen uptake were improved. Thus the active recovery group showed a higher generation of relative mean power and relative peak power than the passive recovery group.
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Effects of ethanol on thermoregulatory responses of male and female subjects during cold air exposure
서충진ChungJinSeo , 고영완YoungWanKo
38(3) 460-468, 1999
Effects of ethanol on thermoregulatory responses of male and female subjects during cold air exposure
서충진ChungJinSeo , 고영완YoungWanKo
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of ethanol(E)(2 ㎎/㎏) on the thermoregulatory responses during 60 min of cold (C) air exposure(5℃) in 6 male and 6 female subjects 20-29 years of age, and whether these responses were different between genders. Orange juice(P) or E in orange juice was administered 20 min prior to a 60 min exposure to a neutral(N)(25℃) or C environments. Rectal temperature, mean skin temperature, mean body temperature, heat storage, skin blood flow(SBF)(venous occlusion plethysmography), heart rate, oxygen consumption(VO₂), and shivering(amplitude density) were determined 20 min following E administration and averaged over 60 min of exposure to the N or C environment. E did not interact with gender to effect differences in any thermoregulatory responses. However, male subjects had a greater (p<0.05) heat deficit(-142.59±39.83 ㎉) in C than female subject(-72.81±20.30 ㎉). E administration affected SBF, VO₂, and shivering. SBF was highest in the NE condition (2.82±0.79 ㎖/100 cc tissue/min), but was suppressed in CE (2.31±0.68 ㎖/100 cc tissue/min)(p<05). VO₂(P=344±81 ㎖/min; E=297±125 ㎖/min), and shivering(P=.093±.019 root mean square; E=.080±.018 root mean square)were both lower in CE compared to CP. These effects of E on responses to C exposure were not different across gender. Female subjects had greater elevation from baseline in VO₂ than male subjects(90±76 ㎖/min vs 42±69 ㎖/min, p<.05) in the C. Male subjects, however, showed greater shivering compared to the female subject(.090±.021 root mean square vs .083±0.017 root mean square, p<.05). It was concluded that ethanol does not interact with C to cause differential thermoregulatory responses in men and women but suppresses shivering and metabolic rate leading to an increased need for insulation and reduction in SBF.
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A study of somatotype, body composition, and physical fitness in players 스포츠생리학 : 럭비선수들의 체형과 신체구성 및 체력에 관한 연구
38(3) 469-487, 1999
A study of somatotype, body composition, and physical fitness in players 스포츠생리학 : 럭비선수들의 체형과 신체구성 및 체력에 관한 연구
The purposes of this study were to analyze physique, body composition and physical fitness, and to examines the relationship of somatotype and body composition with physical fitness and to compare those variables by position category of rugby players. Each subject was currently training for competition. Subjects completed a comprehensive written questionnaire concerning the medical history and their experience in rugby.
The subjects of the study consist of 688 rugby players including middle school players (n=230), high school players (n=248), university players (n=151), professional players (n= 59) who were registered by Korean Rugby Association.
The anthropometric measurements included body weight, height, sitting height, eight sites of circumferences taken at chest inspiration, expiration, upper arm, flexed upper arm, waist, hip, thigh, calf, and five skinfolds taken at triceps, subscapular, suprailiac, thigh, medial calf. The three somatotype components were calculated by Carter-Heath anthropometric method. Body composition parameters were estimated by Bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA-310 model). Physical fitness tests included flamingo balance, plate tapping, sit and reach, grip strength, sit-ups, shuttle run 50m, bent arm hang, endurance run. All data were analyzed by SAS procedure (1988). Means and standard deviations were calculated for all anthropometric and body composition and physical performance characteristics. Comparison between the level of school was analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Duncan`s multiple range tests. Pearson product moment correlation was used to determine the relationship between somatotype and body composition and physical fitness. The significance level was accepted at p < 0.05.
The results indicated that the three somatotype components were significantly (p < 0.001) differ in rugby players according to the levels of school. The three components of somatotype were 4.8-5.0-2.7 for middle school players, 5.0-5.7-1.8 for high school players, 6.2-8.5-6.4 for university players and 4.7-6.4-1.3 for professional players.
As for body composition variables according to the levels of school, significant differences (p < 0.001) were found for percent body fat between players. University players (19.2±5.67%) had significantly higher than other players. There was significant different for fat-free mass among players. Professional players had 72.5±6.58㎏ of fat-free mass, following 71.5±8.11㎏ for university players, 65.8±8.08㎏ for high school players, and 54.4±7.27㎏ for middle school players. Higher basal metabolic rate (2205.6±207.70㎉/d), total body water (52.4±5.84L) and WHR (0.86±0.05) were found in professional players compared to other players. University player had significantly higher mean body mass index (27.3±3.42㎏/㎡) and sum of five skinfolds (100.1±33.58㎜) than other players. According to the position category forwards in middle school players had higher body mass index (+4.3㎏/㎡), sum of five skinfolds (42.1㎜), fat mass and fat-free mass than backwards. In both high school and university players forwards had higher percent body fat, fat mass, BMR, TBW, sum of five skinfolds and WHR than backs.
As for physical fitness according to the levels of school, professional players had significantly higher for flamingo balance (6.1), plate tapping (47.7), endurance run (24.4±13.07) and high school players for sit-ups (17.9), 50m shuttle run (17.6sec). According to position category, forwards in middle school players were significantly lower for bent arm hang (11.9sec), standing broad jump (15.3mm), sit-ups (2.9) and endurance run (63sec) than backs. Similar patterns were found for bent arm hang, endurance run, standing broad jump and 50m shuttle run in forwards of high school players
Significant negative and/or positive relationships were found between physique, somatype, body composition and physical fitness. There were significant positive correlations between most circumferences and grip strength, but negative correlation between waist (-0.25), hip (-0.22) and bent arm hang. Also, significant negative correlations were observed between five sites of skinfolds and stand broad jump (-0.34~-0.48), sit-ups (-0.25~-0.38), bent arm hang (-0.40~-0.51) and endurance run (-0.45~-0.60). As for the three somatotype components endomorphy was significantly negatively related to endurance run (-0.50), bent arm hang (-0.48), stand broad jump (-0.38) and sit-ups (-0.29), but positive correlation between mesomorphy and grip strength.
Percent body fat and fat mass were shown to be negative correlations with endurance run (-0.43, -0.40), standing broad jump (-0.42, -0.34), bent arm hang (-0.41, -0.39), and sit-ups (-0.27, -0.24). However, positive correlations were obtained between fat-free mass and grip strength, standing broad jump and plate tapping.
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Relationship between Anaerobic Threshold and Electrocardiograph 스포츠생리학 : 무산소 역치와 심전도 파형과의 관계
38(3) 488-496, 1999
Relationship between Anaerobic Threshold and Electrocardiograph 스포츠생리학 : 무산소 역치와 심전도 파형과의 관계
The Purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between anaerobic threshold and ECG signals. Subjects(8 male students in the department of physical education) worked on treadmill with only 4 stages of Bruce protocol because of security. Blood lactic acid, VO₂, VCO₂, V_E, and ECG were measured during exercise and myocardial ischemia related variables(R-amplitude, J-point, ST level, and T-amplitude) and QTc were analyzed. 2 hours or more rest was taken before measurement. And measurement was done between 2 minutes 30 seconds and 3 minutes on every stage.
Obtained data were as follows.
1. Lactic acid and ventilatory threshold were showed between 58∼77% VO2max.
2. There were no significant differences among R-amplitudes of various intensities exercise.
3. J-point was decreased incrementally while exercise intensity was increased, but there was no relationship with anaerobic threshold.
4. ST level was increased at anaerobic threshold.
5. There were no significant differences among T-amplitudes of various intensities exercise.
6. There were no significant differences among QTc-intervals of various intensities exercise.
In sum, it is thought that ST level is the most appropriate variable to analyze anaerobic threshold with ECG.
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The Effect of Endurance Exercise on Reduction of Alcohol Concentration in Blood and Fatty Liver 스포츠생리학 : 지구성 운동이 혈중알콜농도와 지방간 감소에 미치는 영향
38(3) 497-511, 1999
The Effect of Endurance Exercise on Reduction of Alcohol Concentration in Blood and Fatty Liver 스포츠생리학 : 지구성 운동이 혈중알콜농도와 지방간 감소에 미치는 영향
In this study, to observe the changes of alcohol concentration in blood after endurance exercise, 20 male collegers were divided into 10 members of controlled group and 10 members of comparative group, and to observe morphologically the fatty liver, 30 male SDR(sprague dawley rats), which were six weeks old, were divided into three groups, 10 rats of controlled group, 10 rats of comparative group, and 10 rats of normal group.
To measure the alcohol concentration in blood, the treadmill exercise less than 60% of HRmax was performed at the speed of 6 mph(mile/hour) for 30 minutes just after, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, 120 minutes, and 150 minutes after drinking alcohol. To observe the alcoholic fatty liver morphologically, the endurance exercise of SDR was performed for 30 minutes at the speed of 30 mpm(meter/min) 8 hours after alcohol injection. Through these experiments the following conclusions were reached.
First, there was much difference between the alcohol concentration in blood of the group, who took endurance exercise after drinking alcohol, and that of the group, who did not take endurance exercise. For example, 60 to 180 minutes after drinking, the alcohol concentration of the comparative group was 0.0795% to 0.0583%, but that of the controlled group was 0.0560 to 0.0374%. Therefor the reduction rate of alcohol concentration of the controlled group was 26.3% higher than that of the comparative group(ρ<.01).
Second, in the comparative group, who did not take endurance exercise, the alcohol concentration in blood 30 to 150 minutes after drinking was 0.0768 to 0.0611% and 180 to 300 minutes after it was 0.0583 to 0.0352%. However, in case of the controlled group, who took endurance exercise to the fixed plan, the alcohol concentration 30 to 150 minutes after drinking was 0.0385% and 180 to 300 minutes after it was 0.0412 to 0.0223%. In conclusion, when compared with that of the comparative group, the reduction rate of alcohol concentration in blood of the controlled group was higher(ρ<.01).
Third, the lactic acid concentration in blood of the group who did not take exercise after drinking was lower level of 1.63mMol/㎗ 30 minutes after drinking, but it rose to 2.51mMol/㎗ 120 minutes after and it began to lower by degrees from 150 minutes after and reached at the level of 2.31mMol/㎗ 180 minutes after, which was similar to the level of that after exercise. The lactic acid concentration of the group who took exercise after drinking alcohol reached its maximum of 3.44mMol/㎗ 30 minutes after exercise, lowered to the level of 2.82mMol/㎗ 90 minutes after lower than 2.92mMol/㎗ of the normal group after drinking, and at last 180 minutes after, it got lowered to 2.19mMol/㎗ much lower than those of the exercise-taking group or alcohol-drinking group. These facts shows that exercise after drinking is very effective in the reduction of lactic acid as well as alcohol concentration in body.
Fourth, the accumulation of fat in the liver cell was not found among the controlled group, who took endurance exercise, but it was found, though not found at first, from the 8th week on among the comparative group who did not take endurance exercise.
From the above, endurance exercise after drinking is proven to be effective both in the reduction of the alcohol and lactic acid concentration in blood and in preventing the accumulation of fat in the liver resulting in the fatty liver. These results show that it is desirable to take light exercise just after drinking, considering the physiological changes of the body, and to take more active exercise, when the normal physiological condition is recovered, to prevent the fatty liver caused by drinking alcohol by reducing quickly the alcohol in body.
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The Changes of MDA, SOD and CAT according to VO2max per body weight during Exhaustive Endurance Exercise 스포츠생리학 : 육상 중·장거리 선수들의 탈진적인 지구성운동시 체중당 최대산소섭취량에 따른 MDA, SOD, CAT의 변화
38(3) 512-521, 1999
The Changes of MDA, SOD and CAT according to VO2max per body weight during Exhaustive Endurance Exercise 스포츠생리학 : 육상 중·장거리 선수들의 탈진적인 지구성운동시 체중당 최대산소섭취량에 따른 MDA, SOD, CAT의 변화
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of exhaustive endurance exercise and VO₂max per body weight on the change of cell membrane(malondialdehyde, MDA) and antioxidant enzymes(superoxide dismutase, SOD; catalase, CAT). The subjects of present study were middle·long-distance runners of track and field(n=10). The subjects was divided into two group(small VO₂max per body weight, SVO₂G; large VO₂max per body weight, LVO₂G) according to the VO₂max per body weight and participated in the Modified Bruce Protocol that was consisted of 6mins in each phase. Blood was sampled at rest, all-out, recovery 30mins, recovery 60mins.
The results were as follows:
1. There was no significant increase in MDA and SOD of LVO₂G, but CAT was significantly elevated at recovery 60mins.
2. Significant elevation of MDA of SVO₂G was came out immediately after exhaustive endurance exercise(p< .001), but there was no significant increase in SOD and CAT(p >.05)
In summery, the large VO₂max per body weight of middle·long-distance runners effects affirmatively on their exercising muscle and mitochondria. Therefore, it could be suggested that the subjects who have large VO₂max per body weight could be effectively coped with oxidative stress and harmful effect of free radical during and after any exhaustive endurance exercise.
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The Change of Cortisol, Testosterone by Overload Trainirg Program 스포츠생리학 : 과부하 훈련 프로그램에 따른 코티졸, 테스토스테론론의 변화
38(3) 522-531, 1999
The Change of Cortisol, Testosterone by Overload Trainirg Program 스포츠생리학 : 과부하 훈련 프로그램에 따른 코티졸, 테스토스테론론의 변화
The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of resting cortisol concentration, resting testosterone concentration by overload training program. Subject divided into systematic increased and decreased by training intensity, frequency, duration in overload training group(n=6), not participate in systematic training program but participate in active exercise in non training group(n=6) by the department of physical education in H university. Overload training pram is composed of baseline training(one-week), high intensity interval training(three-week), regeneration training(two-week). Non training group is not perform systematic training program.
The results were as follows :
1. In resting cortisol concentration, overload training group was more higher than non training group and within overload training group not significant difference between training phase
2. In resting testosterone concentration, overload training group was more higher than non training group and within overload training group significant difference between training phase.
3. In testosterone:cortisol ratio, overload training group was more lower than non training group and within overload training group significant difference between training phase.
In conclusion overload training program induce compensation phenomenon and FTCR can be useful diagnostic tool of non adaptative training stress.
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The Effects of Exercise Load on the Changes of EEG during Sleep 스포츠생리학 : 운동량이 수면중 뇌파 변화에 미치는 영향
오상덕SangDukOh , 김진항JinHangKim
38(3) 532-540, 1999
The Effects of Exercise Load on the Changes of EEG during Sleep 스포츠생리학 : 운동량이 수면중 뇌파 변화에 미치는 영향
오상덕SangDukOh , 김진항JinHangKim
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of exercise load on the change of EEG during sleep. All subjects were 8 male physical education students who had been engaged for at least 3 years in a regular aerobic exercises. The subjects were divided into three groups; NOE(non exercise), MDE(middle duration exercise) and LDE(long duration exercise). MDE group maintained a total of 120 min exercise, and LDE group maintained a total of 300 min exercise. During the subsequent night(24:00∼08:00), somnopolygraphic sleep recordings were obtained. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS/PC+. Data were analyzed by means of one, one-way ANOVA with repeated measures. When a significant F value was obtained, a Tukey`s post-hoc analysis was performed.
The results show that there are no significant differences in stage 2 sleep, and SWS(stage 3+4) time among groups. Consequently, stage 2 sleep, SWS does not appear to be sensitive to exercise load. But there are significant differences in stage 1 sleep, and REM sleep among groups. Namely, stage 1 sleep time showed more significant increase in LDE than in NOE, MDE group. But REM sleep time decreased drastically in LDE compared to NOE, MDE.
In conclusion, the changes of sleep patterns varied depending on the exercise load. Long duration exercise induced harmful effects on sleep. However, middle duration exercise had beneficial effect on the quality or quantity of sleep.
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Studies on the Funtcion and Strcuture of Soleus Muscle according to Rotatory Motion 스포츠생리학 : 운동부하가 흰쥐 가자미근의 수축기능과 구조에 미치는 영향
38(3) 541-550, 1999
Studies on the Funtcion and Strcuture of Soleus Muscle according to Rotatory Motion 스포츠생리학 : 운동부하가 흰쥐 가자미근의 수축기능과 구조에 미치는 영향
This study was designed to evaluate the mechanical properties of contraction, nucleolar organizer region(NOR) associated protein by means of silver colloide staining and muscle fiber types in sections stained for SDH and PAS in the soleus muscle loaded with rotatory motion by DJ 4008 model.
Ten Sprague-Dawley adult male rat (150-200g) were devided into control and experimental group which were trained with 1,000 rotation(680m) for 15days. Body weigh and muscle weight were measured at pre-rotation and 15days. Mechanical properties of contraction in the soleus muscle were measured by means of polygraph. Soleus muscle were immediately removed, immersed in fixatives or cryocut, processed with routine method for light microscopic study. Paraffin section were stained with silver colloid and PAS. Frozon section were stained with SDH.
The results were as follow ;
1. Body weight were significantly decreased in experimental group compared with control group, but muscle weight were significantly increased in experimental group compared with control group.
2. Contraction time was significantly increased experimental group and maximum twich time or maximum tetanic time were significantly increased in experimental group.
3. The mean number of Ag-NORs per nucleus were significantly increased in experimental group and one Ag-NORs per nucleus were significantly decreased, but three∼five Ag-NORs per nucleus were significantly increased in experimental group.
4. In muscle fiber types, red fiber were significantly increased.
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Different Sodium Concentration Fluid Supplement on Fluid Regulation Hormone Changes During Exercise 스포츠생리학 : 운동시 나트륨 농도 수준차이가 수분조절 호르몬 변화에 미치는 영향
우진희JinHeeWoo , 백일영IlYoungPaik
38(3) 551-561, 1999
Different Sodium Concentration Fluid Supplement on Fluid Regulation Hormone Changes During Exercise 스포츠생리학 : 운동시 나트륨 농도 수준차이가 수분조절 호르몬 변화에 미치는 영향
우진희JinHeeWoo , 백일영IlYoungPaik
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of three different sodium concentration fluid supplement methods(water, 20mmol/L Na+ drink, 63mmol/L Na+ drink) on exercise performance and hormonal changes by VO₂max 85% treadmill exercise with dehydration. In this study, different drink supplement methods, performance time, plasma volume, blood sodium concentration, and in-blood fluid regulation hormones were compared. Also a scientific explanation of which method of drink supplement was the most efficient in enhancing fluid intake was decided.
The subjects of this study were 5 male college students from the physical education department. Each subject was participated in four different exercise conditions; VO₂max test, VO₂max 85% test with water supplement method, VO₂max 85% test with low sodium supplement method, and VO₂max 85% test with high sodium supplement method. Water supplement methods involved drinking plain water as much as 1% of body weight orally, after dehydration induced 30 minute VO₂max 85% treadmill exercise, while 10 minute resting in a relaxed position. Low sodium and high sodium drinks contained 20mmol/L Na+ and 63mmol/L Na+, respectively. Afterwards, all subjects performed VO₂max 85% treadmill exercise until exhaustion. After the exercise, the subjects recovered in a relaxed position for 30 minutes. For each test, 5 blood samples were collected - at rest, after dehydration, after rehydration, final time of exercise, and from the 30 minute recovery - from the anti-cubital vein. Exercise performance capacity was expected to improve most highly in the high sodium supplement, although it was found that low sodium supplement increased plasma volume levels most highly after rehydration and recovery. Also, low sodium supplement increased plasma sodium levels most highly during recovery, but there were no significant differences in plasma volume and plasma sodium levels among the supplement methods(p>.05).
In conclusion, this study has found that although sodium supplement has improved exercise performance, low sodium supplement restores plasma volume and sodium concentration rapidly. Therefore, low sodium supplement is the most efficient to restore body fluid during 1-hour high intense exercises in a hot environment. PRA levels were low during recovery in low sodium supplement. Similar to the blood aldosterone levels were low in low sodium supplement during after rehydration, final time of exercise, and recovery. Although it was found that low sodium supplement decreased PRA and blood aldosterone levels, there were no significant differences in PRA and blood aldosterone levels among the supplement methods(p>.05).
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The effect of Acanthopanax teas on cardiovascular fitness in college students 스포츠생리학 : 오가피차 복용이 호흡순환기능에 미치는 영향
유창재ChangJaeYoo , 양정옥JeongOkYang
38(3) 562-571, 1999
The effect of Acanthopanax teas on cardiovascular fitness in college students 스포츠생리학 : 오가피차 복용이 호흡순환기능에 미치는 영향
유창재ChangJaeYoo , 양정옥JeongOkYang
The purpose this study was to investigate the effect of Acanthopanax teas(by Sang-ill medicine manufacture) on the cardiovascular fitness. The subjects employed were 7 students(Silla Univ.) who are enrolled in the department of art-physical education. Acanthopanax teas were orally administered 3 package/day for 1 month. Before and after the administration period, the cardiovascular fitness were evaluated to produce the following results.
1. In static state, HR was significantly decreased by Acanthopanax teas but there were no significant differences at immediately after the maximal exercise, at 5 and 10 min of recovery period.
2. There were no significant differences in BF at static state, immediately after the maximal exercise, 5 and 10 min of recovery period.
3. In static state, VE was significantly increased by Acanthopanax teas but there were no significant differences at immediately after the maximal exercise, at 5 and 10 min of recovery period.
4. In static state, VO₂ was significantly increased by Acanthopanax teas but there were no significant differences at immediately after the maximal exercise, at 5 and 10 min of recovery period.
5. There were no significant differences in RQ at static state, immediately after the maximal exercise, 5 and 10 min of recovery period.
6. Immediately after the maximal exercise, VO₂ ㎖/㎏/min was significantly increased by Acanthopanax teas but there were no significant differences in static state, immediately after the maximal exercise, at 5 and 10 min of recovery period.
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Effects of reduced training volume and frequency Tapers on swim performance and muscle glycogen of sprint swimmers 스포츠생리학 : Taper 방법이 수영선수들의 경기력과 근 글리코겐 농도에 미치는 영향
Effects of reduced training volume and frequency Tapers on swim performance and muscle glycogen of sprint swimmers 스포츠생리학 : Taper 방법이 수영선수들의 경기력과 근 글리코겐 농도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a two-week reduced training volume and frequency Taper programs on swim performance and anaerobic capacity as well as muscle glycogen of sprint swimmers.
Following a intensive training program(12,000m/day, 6days/wk) eighteen male collegiate swimmers were randomly assigned to one of the three Taper groups: 1) a repeated 50% reduction in training volume over a 2wk period(G1), 2) a 50% reduction in training volume over a 2wk period(G2), 3) a four day reduction in training frequency over a 2wk period(G3). 100m front crawl time, maximal arm power using Wingate anaerobic power test, and muscle glycogen were measured before(pre) and during(1wk, 2wk) the 2 wks of Taper.
Two-way ANOVAs were performed to determine main effects and interaction of time (pre, 1wk, 2wk) and group (G1, G2, G3). When a significant main effect was found without significant interaction, Neuman-Keuls post hoc analysis was used to isolate the difference.
ANOVA comparisons revealed that there were no significant main effects of group on any variables, nor were there significant interaction between time and group. Significant main effects of time were observed for 100m crawl time, mean power outputs and muscle glycogen concentration(p< .05), however the pattern of changes over time differed somewhat among groups. Post hoc analysis of the Tapers revealed that 100m front crawl time decreased nonsignificantly in all three taper groups(-0.4∼-0.7sec.) on week 1 and further decrease in G1 and G2, but increase in G3(+0.58) on week 2(p >.05). Similarly, mean power outputs(+11.69∼+27.89watts on week 1) were nonsignificantly increased in all three groups(p>.05). In terms of muscle glycogen, all three taper groups increased nonsignificantly over pre-taper values on both week 1(+38.69mmol㎏/d.w. for G1, +62.97mmol㎏/d.w. for G2, +80.97mmol㎏/d.w. for G3) and week 2(+5.8mmol㎏/d.w. for G1, +29.57mmol㎏/d.w. for G2, +43.35mmol㎏/d.w. for G3), respectively.
In conclusion, all three Tapers appear to be beneficial to swim performance. Increase in muscle glycogen may possibly contribute to development of swimmer`s anaerobic power in turn, improvement of swim performance in sprint swimmers.
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Responces of oxygen uptake, heart rate and blood lactate during performance of taekwondo taegeuk poomsae
이승국SeungKukLee , 조준용JoonYongCho , 양대승DaeSeungYang
38(3) 583-591, 1999
Responces of oxygen uptake, heart rate and blood lactate during performance of taekwondo taegeuk poomsae
이승국SeungKukLee , 조준용JoonYongCho , 양대승DaeSeungYang
The present research was designed to investigate and measure both heart rate and oxygen consumption (as well as post-exercise blood lactate) during the execution of taegeuk poomsae in taekwondo and compare these responses to direct measures of maximal aerobic power by treadmill test (brace protocol). Six male taekwondo black belt practitioners (4th dan; 21.5±1.2ly) served as subjects participating with informed, verbal consent. These subjects had a mean training experience of 13.1±3.4 years, were 175.0±4.3㎝ tall and weighed 65.2±8.2㎏. a percentage of the VE, VO₂ and VCO₂ during the PACE and FAST taegeuk poomsae was 48.5% and 52.0%, 55.4% and 64.3%, 49.7% and 52.7% of the peak value attained after maximal aerobic power test (treadmil), respectively. The difference in mean values was no significant (p>.05). Heart rate quickly rose to and remained at 57% (109.1±14.8bpm) and 60% (116.4±8.95bpm) of the treadmill test HRmax (197.3±0.7), during the PACE and FAST taegeuk poomsae protocols, respectively. The difference in the response to the two taegeuk poomsae protocols was not significant (p>.05). Blood lactate after completion of the PACE and FAST taegeuk poomsae was 40% (3.3±0.7mmol) and 47% (3.9±1.6mmol), respectively, of the peak value attained after the treadmill test (8.2±3.9mmol). The PACE protocol produced a significantly greater response (p<.05). Expressed as a percentage of the peak value during the PACE and FAST taegeuk poomsae was 54% (36.8±4.9㎖/㎏/min) and 63% (42.7±9.5㎖/㎏/min) of the peak value (67.8±3.8㎖/㎏/min) attained after maximal aerobic power test, respectively.
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The effect of glucose ingestion on energy metabolism and physical performance in prolonged endurance exercise 스포츠생리학 : 글루코스 섭취가 장시간의 지구성 운동시 에너지 대상 및 운동수행능력에 미치는 영향
임기원KiWonLim , 최성근SungKeunChoi
38(3) 592-602, 1999
The effect of glucose ingestion on energy metabolism and physical performance in prolonged endurance exercise 스포츠생리학 : 글루코스 섭취가 장시간의 지구성 운동시 에너지 대상 및 운동수행능력에 미치는 영향
임기원KiWonLim , 최성근SungKeunChoi
The comparative analysis on the effect of energy metabolism and physical performance in prolonged endurance exercise caused by the ingestion of glucose led to the following conclusion. The subjects were six soccer players at a junior high school
The ingestion of glucose raised the glucose concentration in blood to the latter stage of exercise and made energy substrate depend on carbohydrate oxidation. It also caused the decrease in lactate concentration in blood, which enlarged the exhaustion period by 5.93 minutes.
Therefore it can the referred that the ingestion of glucose is valid in lengthening the exhaustion time by maintaining carbohydrate metabolism during submaximal exercise which will not bring hypoglycemia and fatigue, and by mobilizing spare endogeneous carbohydrate as an energy source at the latter stage of high intensity exercise.
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A Study of Indoor Air Pollution for Ssireum Stadia Stadia and Physical Symptoms of Which Players is Conscious 스포츠생리학 : 실내 경기장의 공기오염도와 선수들의 신체적 자각증상에 대한 연구
정위곤WiGonJung , 임인수InSuIm , 서진교JinGyoSeo
38(3) 603-616, 1999
A Study of Indoor Air Pollution for Ssireum Stadia Stadia and Physical Symptoms of Which Players is Conscious 스포츠생리학 : 실내 경기장의 공기오염도와 선수들의 신체적 자각증상에 대한 연구
정위곤WiGonJung , 임인수InSuIm , 서진교JinGyoSeo
Indoor pollution of indoor stadia where all sorts of sports are held can give rise to every kinds of respiratory ailments to players as well as audience. So it is presented as a main factor that indoor space of stadia is crowed with players and audiences compared with other kinds of indoor space. Therefore, in this research to analyze pollution degree of indoor circumstance for gymnasium and exercising room of folk ssireum, basketball, judo, wrestling, hapkido, swordsmanship, and boxing making indoor gymnasium, and exercise room an object, when 7 items were measured such as temperature, relative humidity, air current, intensity of illumination, dust, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide being based on the indoor environmental standard of the first clause of Article 45 of public utilization service which is showed at public hygiene of the ministry of health and social affairs, it was showed that indoor temperature was over standard amount at the most of ssireum gymnasium and exercising room, but indoor humidity was maintained to standard amount at the large scale indoor gymnasium. In case of indoor illumination, it showed higher level than the standard amount at all gymnasium, and it was over 20 time at the ssireum exercising room of vinyl plastic hothouse form. Indoor density of carbon monoxide was preserve to the extent of standard amount at all gymnasiums. Indoor density of carbon dioxide was not in excess of standard amount at the most of gymnasiums, but it was over 3,000ppm, 3time of standard amount at the ssireum gymnasiums. At all gymnasiums of the ssireum, density of dust induced from respiration exceeded the standard amount, and the ssireum players showed high physical subjective symptom compared to other kinds of players, particularly there was a remarkable difference in item of respiratory organ symptom. Since the ssireum players and participants feel physical subjective symptom seriously, in other words the degree of indoor air pollution at gymnasiums and exercising rooms of the ssireum is very high, fundamental solution and countermeasure plan should be presented.
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The Influence of All-out Exercise on Antioxidant Enzymes Activity and MDA level in Judo Athletes 스포츠생리학 : 유도선수에 있어 탈진운동이 항산화효소 활성도와 과산화지질 농도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the antioxidant enzymes(SOD, CAT, GPX) activity and lipid peroxidation`s level(MDA) of Judo athletes who training regularly. To achieve the purpose, Twelve healthy young males(Judo: 6, Control: 6) were recruited for this study. Blood samples were collected at pre-exercise 60 minutes, post-exercise and recovery 60 minutes in which all subjects carried on maximal all-out exercise in treadmill.
The analysis of data revealed as following:
1) There were significant differences(p<.01) in the SOD level between two groups in post-exercise, but no significant differences in post-exercise and recovery 60 minutes.
2) There were significant differences(p<.05) in the CAT level between two groups in post-exercise, but no significant differences in post-exercise and recovery 60 minutes.
3) There were significant differences(p<.05) in the GPX level between two groups in post-exercise, but no significant differences in post-exercise and recovery 60 minutes.
4) There were significant differences(p<.05) in the MDA level between two groups in post-exercise, but no significant differences in post-exercise and recovery 60 minutes.
In conclusion, antioxidant enzymes` level(SOD, CAT, GPX) activity and lipid peroxidation`s level(MDA) of Judo athletes and control groups were affected by maximal all-out exercise. Especially, After maximal all-out exercise the antioxidant enzyme level and MDA level of Judo group was statistically higher than that of control group. It was revealed that Judo athletes were prone to injure by oxidative stress than control group. But we think they have stronger preventive system than that of control group.
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Effects of different dance styles on anaerobic power performance and blood lipid profiles in female college dancers 스포츠생리학 : 무용의 형태가 무산소성 파워와 혈중지질성분에 미치는 영향
Effects of different dance styles on anaerobic power performance and blood lipid profiles in female college dancers 스포츠생리학 : 무용의 형태가 무산소성 파워와 혈중지질성분에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to determine the differences among the college female dancers with regard to anaerobic power outputs, body composition and blood lipid profiles. Also, all physiological parameters of the dancers were compared with those of the sedentary college women(non-dancers).
All subjects were classified into four groups {Korean Folk Dance Group (n=6), Ballet Group (n=6), Modern Dance Group (n=6), and Non-Dance Getup (n=5)} on the basis that they participated in a dance performance. All dancers had been practiced in dance classes for Korean Folk Dance Group 9.33±3.20, Ballet Group 8.00±1.26, Modern Dance Group 9.00±1.67 years and had no experience of regular exercise.
The results of Wingate Test demonstrated that anaerobic power outputs in dancers were greater than that of non-dancers. However, there were no significant anaerobic power differences among the dancers. Regarding on body composition, the Korean folk dancers (22.81%) had a slightly lower percent body fat than those of ballet dancers (23.44%), modern dancers (25.21%) and non-dancers (25.22%) but no significant differences were shown. In terms of blood lipid profiles, there were no significant differences in LDL-C and HDL-C among the four groups. The Korean folk dancers and non-dancers, however, had significantly lower total cholesterol levels than those of ballet and modern dancers.
In conclusion, this study suggested that the significant differences between the dancers and non-dancers in anaerobic power outputs might be attributed to the characteristics of dance practice or movements. However, we need more study to verify the somewhat higher total cholesterol levels in ballet and modern dancers than Korean folk dancers and/or non-dancers.
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Effect of paralytic periods on morphological characteristics of thigh in hemiplegic patients 스포츠생리학 : 편마비 환자의 마비기간에 따른 골격근 섬유의 형태
표재환JaeHwanPyo , 오재근JaeKeunOh , 김창근ChengKeunKim
38(3) 638-649, 1999
Effect of paralytic periods on morphological characteristics of thigh in hemiplegic patients 스포츠생리학 : 편마비 환자의 마비기간에 따른 골격근 섬유의 형태
표재환JaeHwanPyo , 오재근JaeKeunOh , 김창근ChengKeunKim
The activity of motoneurons determines the properties of the muscle fibres. Muscle sample was obtained from vastus lateralis muscle. The paraplegic patients were volunteered as subject in the present study. Their paralytic period ranged from 1yr to 26yrs. Muscle strength and power was determined using Cybex. No difference was found in the proportion of Type I fibers between the paralytic and the normal thighs. However, the mean cross-sectional area was smaller in the paralytic thigh than the normal thigh, and no significant difference between two thighs. Capillary density was lower in the paralytic thigh than the normal thigh, thus smaller size of diffusional area in paralytic thigh.
Muscle function was significantly lower in the paralytic thigh than the normal thigh. In conclusion, there was no clear relationship between the paralytic periods and the proportion of the muscle fiber types and it may rather be determined from the physical activity and age for muscle function and morphological characteristics.
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Kinematic Analyais of Gymnasticr Twist Movement 운동역학 : 체조 겹틀어 뒤 공중돌기의 운동학적 분석
38(3) 653-663, 1999
Kinematic Analyais of Gymnasticr Twist Movement 운동역학 : 체조 겹틀어 뒤 공중돌기의 운동학적 분석
The purpose of this study is to identify dynamical causes of variations in the motion phases of jump, somersault, and landing of the backward 2 somersault, one of floor exercises. From the study the following have been found:
1. To raise jump height, the maximum height of mass center in the backhand spring phase shall be increased with the distance of backhand spring not too far. The horizontal speed of mass center in the support phase from TD to To shall be reduced. In TD, the vertical ascending speed of right arm, especially that of right upper arm shall be increased with right elbow lifted up high. With the flexion angle of both hip and knee kept small, the supporting time is shortened and the vertical force upon the floor is intensified. For the players who turn left, right knee in TD, and left hip and left knee in TO shall be kept stretched as straight as possible. In TO, the tilt angle of upper trunk against z axis shall be kept small and the longitudinal axis of the body has to be kept not much departed from the vertical axis(z).
2. For the perfect motion of somersault, the twist angle, the tilt and hip lateral flexion shall be reduced and the cumulative somersault angle in the initial airborne phase shall be raised. It is desirable to keep the tilt angle in airborne phase least so that the value of x component(Hx) over the entire motion is not so high.
3. In landing phase, the flexion angle of hip shall be reduced. To do so, the cumulative somersault angle in the initial airborne phase shall be increased enough for space of lading. If jump in the airborne phase is high, the trunk angle against the floor and the flexion angle of the knee can be reduced. Speedy vertical descending does not affect landing. Rather it helps landing by reducing the tilt and the trunk angle, i.e. the tilt and the trunk angle have to be kept minimum in landing. Therefore, the somersault angle and the twist angle have to be secured sufficiently before the phase of landing.
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A Study on Difference of Frequencies between Prefered Skills and of Ssirum Athletes in Accordance with Their Arm and Leg Length 운동역학 : 대학 씨름 선수들의 상·하지장 길이 차이에 따른 선호 기술과 실제 사용 기술간의 반도 차이
김규완KewWanKim , 한동훈DongHunHan , 노석규SukKewNho
38(3) 664-674, 1999
A Study on Difference of Frequencies between Prefered Skills and of Ssirum Athletes in Accordance with Their Arm and Leg Length 운동역학 : 대학 씨름 선수들의 상·하지장 길이 차이에 따른 선호 기술과 실제 사용 기술간의 반도 차이
김규완KewWanKim , 한동훈DongHunHan , 노석규SukKewNho
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of between preferred skills and used skills during games of ssirum athletes. The assumption that each ssirum athlete has preferred skills according to their physique was a basic conception of this study. The subjects selected for this study were 88 ssirum athletes and they were participated in 28th Jang-Sa Ssirum Competition and 35th President Cup Jang-Sa Ssirum Competition. The subjects were divided into four groups according to their length of arm and leg(the group of long arm length and short arm length, the group of long leg length and short leg length).
The recorded items were frequencies of preferred skills and used skills during games. The preferred skills were analyzed by questionary and used skills during gates were analyzed by survey of games and record tapes which were recording all the games of two ssirum competitions. The frequency of ssirum skills were analyzed by χ² method. the results were as follows ;
1. The frequencies of preferred skills between the long and short arm length group was significantly differed(p<.05) but was not shown a significant differences between the long and short leg length groups.
2. There was not shown a significant differences of frequencies of used skills during games among the 4 groups.
3. There was not shown a significant differences of frequencies between preferred skills and used skills during games among the 4 groups.
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The Development of Motion Analysis System for Correcting Sports Technique (Cycle Pedaling Motion) 운동역학 : 스포츠기술 교정을 위한 운동역학적 분석시스템 개발(자전거 페달밟는 동작을 대상으로)
The Development of Motion Analysis System for Correcting Sports Technique (Cycle Pedaling Motion) 운동역학 : 스포츠기술 교정을 위한 운동역학적 분석시스템 개발(자전거 페달밟는 동작을 대상으로)
The purpose of this study was to develop a motion analysis system for correcting sports technique and the system can perform an image data acquisition and marker tracking automatically. The hardware of the system was composed of CCD camera of SONY and the image data acquisition board of SPECOM. The software was developed to perform image data acquisition, marker detection, calculation of marker centroid and marker tracking automatically.
In this study, we analyzed cycle pedaling technique using this system. We compared the motions of the elite cycle athletics with the of nine university students, and the analyzed parameters for the technique were summarized, next.
The result were as follows.
1. The orbit of a low limb joint and a pedal crank. The orbits of an ankle joint to the crank axis were different between the two groups ; In elite group, the orbit was located outside of the crank axis, whereas in ordinary group, it was located inside.
2. Ankle variation of a low limb joint for each pedaling phase. Movement angle of ankle was greater in elite group.
3. Variation of angular velocity of crank. At starting phase, there was no difference between the two groups. But during the loading phase, the two groups showed about 0.03 ㎭/sec² difference.
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The Kinematic Analysis of Five Step Approach Running in the Curved Run-up of Fosbury High jump 운동역학 : 높이뛰기 선수들의 5보 도움닫기 리듬에 관한 운동학적 분석
38(3) 688-703, 1999
The Kinematic Analysis of Five Step Approach Running in the Curved Run-up of Fosbury High jump 운동역학 : 높이뛰기 선수들의 5보 도움닫기 리듬에 관한 운동학적 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze the approach running pattern in the cured path of approach runway of the Fosbury high jump skill to find out kinematic factors influencing to jump height. The subjects of this study were 4 male elite high jumpers in Korea. The analyzed variables in this study were the total time elapsed during 5 strides, stride length, the ground contact time of airborne phases, and radius of curved path. Two video cameras were used to analyze approach running pattern to employ direct linear transformation(DLT) method for three-dimensional position data. The views were digitizing system. The raw data were filtered by the cut-off frequently of 6.0㎐ through a second order Butterworth digital filtering method.
The result are as follows:
1. The total time elapsed during 5 step approach run was 1.153 seconds. This time is not related to jumping height, success or failure of trials.
2. The total times elapsed during 5 step approach run of the better players were more consistent than the poorer players.
3. The average ground contact time was 0.146∼0.207 seconds. There were two types that the ground contact time of take-off foot was long or short.
4. Among 4 strides, the lengths and the times of the fourth and second strides. were long while these at the third and first stride were shot
5. The stride lengths were not related to jumping height, success or failure of trials.
6. The type that length and time of the last stride kept short turned out to be better.
7. The rations of the last stride to player`s height were between 95% and 116%.
8. The radii of curved path were between 7.58m and 8.24m.
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Kinematical Analysis on Penalty Stroke Shooting in Field Hockey 운동역학 : 하키 페널티 스트로크 슈팅 동작의 운동학적 분석
이연종YeonJonLee , 이종훈JongHunLee
38(3) 704-714, 1999
Kinematical Analysis on Penalty Stroke Shooting in Field Hockey 운동역학 : 하키 페널티 스트로크 슈팅 동작의 운동학적 분석
이연종YeonJonLee , 이종훈JongHunLee
The purpose of this study was to examine the kinematical characteristics on the penalty stroke shooting motion in field hockey, and to grope for the better penalty stroke technique.
The subjects were highly skilled four collegiate hockey players. 2 high speed cameras were used for the data collection. The Direct Linear Transformation(DLT) technique was employed to obtain 3-D position ordinates of 24 landmarks(Abdel-Aziz & Kararah, 1971) and a cubic spline function was used for smoothing and differentiation. It also calculates the location of center of mass using Plagenhoef`s data.
In this study, the penalty stroke motion was divided into 4 events(START, LTOF, LTON and IMP) and three phases. From those, time duration, displacement of COG, velocity of COG and stick head, body leaning angle, right and left elbow and knee angles were calculated, and the following conclusions were drawn:
1. Start phase from start position to left foot off showed relatively longer in duration time and impact phase from left foot on to impact showed short in duration.
2. Step length at impact was average 1.24m.
3. In the displacement of COG, phase from left foot on to off showed longer displacement in lateral-medial, horizontal and vertical direction.
4. Impact phase showed faster in the lateral-medial and vertical velocity through stroke shooting motion.
5. Lateral-medial and horizontal velocity of stick head rapidly increased after impact.
6. Body lean angle was average 74.7deg at take-on of left foot and average 41.99deg at impact. And right elbow angle was average 143.1deg at start and average 91.22deg at impact, and left elbow angle was average 104.96deg at start, 109.51deg at take-off of left foot and average 95.41deg at impact.
7. Right knee angle was average 159.63deg at start and average 127.74deg at take-off of left foot and average 117.15deg at impact, and left knee angle was average 168.01deg at start, 145.38deg at take-on of left foot and average 119.27deg at impact.
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Biomechanical Analysis of Bare Foot Landing and Shod Foot Landing in Drop Jump 운동역학 : Drop Jump에 있어서 맨발 착지와 신발 착지의 생체 역학적 분석
38(3) 715-725, 1999
Biomechanical Analysis of Bare Foot Landing and Shod Foot Landing in Drop Jump 운동역학 : Drop Jump에 있어서 맨발 착지와 신발 착지의 생체 역학적 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the biomechanical differences between bare foot and shod foot drop landings. Twelve boy high school volleyball players executed drop jumps from height of 40㎝. Each subject initiated the drop from the horizontal bar suspended from the ceiling. The landing was performed by contacting the Kistler force plate(sampling rate: 500㎐) with both feet. Experimental variables were bare foot landing and shod foot landing. Each subject performed both the landings, and every landing was filmed with a Locam camera operating at a nominal frame rate of 100 ㎐. All raw force data for an individual were converted to percentage of body weight(%BW). An α=.05 probability level was used for all tests of statistical significance.
The results were as follows.
1) In all ground reaction force peaks, there were not statistically significant differences between bare foot landing and shod foot landing.
2) In range of joint motion, bare foot condition showed significantly larger hip and knee flexions than shod foot condition by 14.8° and 15.1° respectively, but there was no significant difference between the conditions for ankle flexion.
3) In occurrence time of impact peaks, there was only a significant difference between the conditions for the occurrence time of anterior-posterior minimum peak(tFy₂).
4) There was no significant difference between the conditions for the vertical impulse(Iz).
In conclusion, bare foot condition needed greater hip and knee flexions than shod foot condition in order to attenuate impact peaks during drop landing.
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Analysis on the points earned by weight devision, competition round, and pattern of attacking kicks in taekwondo 체육측정평가 : 태권도 경기의 체급별, 회전별, 공격유형별 선제득점에 따른 경기결과 분석
Analysis on the points earned by weight devision, competition round, and pattern of attacking kicks in taekwondo 체육측정평가 : 태권도 경기의 체급별, 회전별, 공격유형별 선제득점에 따른 경기결과 분석
This study analyzed the points earned at the 1998∼1999 national representative selection tournament in which excellent athletes participated by weight division, competition round, and pattern of attacking kicks in taekwondo. In particular, this study analyzed the distribution of points earned during 925 games by weight division, competition round, and pattern of attacking kicks in taekwondo. following results were obtained:
1. According to the points in each competition round earned by patterns of attacking kicks among each weight divisions of taekwondo game, In first round in comparing kicking, welter(82.6%) weight was more getting points than other weight divisions and middle(85.7%) weight was prominent in counter attack kicks. also, in points earned by short distant attack kicks, fin, fly, light, welter weight were the most in all weight divisions. In 2 round in comparing kicking, fin(93.8%) weight was more getting points than other weight divisions and bantam weight was prominent in counter attack kicks. also, in points earned by short distant attack kicks, ban, welter and heavy weight were the most in all weight divisions. In 3 round in comparing kicking, fin, fly, fe, welter, middle and heavy weight was more getting points than other weight divisions and welter and heavy weight was prominent in counter attack kicks. also, in points earned by short distant attack kicks, fin, fly, ban, fetherwelter and middle weight were the most in all weight divisions.
2. According to the points in each competition round earned among each weight divisions of taekwondo game, In points earned by 1 round, fin(90.9%), fly(80.7%), fether(83.3%), light(83.3%), welter(100%), middle(90.9%) and heavy(100%) weight were the most in all round divisions. In points earned by 2 round, Bantam weight was the most in all round divisions.
3. According to the points in each patterns of attacking kicks earned among each weight divisions of taekwondo game, In points earned by comparing kicking, fin(86.9%), fether(77.8%), light(76.0%), middle(90.9%) and heavy(85.7%) weight were the most in all patterns of attacking kick. In points earned by counter attack kicks, middle(83.3%) weight was the most in all patterns of attacking kicks. also, In points earned by short distant attack kicks, fly(88.9%), Bantam(83.3%), and welter(100%) weight were the most in all patterns of attacking kicks.
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A Study for the Estimation of coronary heart disease risk factors. 체육측정평가 : 심혈관 질환 위험인자의 예측에 관한 연구
최성근SungKeunChoi , 천병옥ByungOkChun
38(3) 738-745, 1999
A Study for the Estimation of coronary heart disease risk factors. 체육측정평가 : 심혈관 질환 위험인자의 예측에 관한 연구
최성근SungKeunChoi , 천병옥ByungOkChun
For the purpose of the early estimation of coronary heart disease risk factors, we made a discriminant analysis between fifteen patients with coronary heart disease and thirty one strong subjects without coronary heart disease. The conclusions were as follows:
1. In %fat, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglyceride the contrast group was significantly lower than the patient group. On the contrary, in the maximal oxygen uptake the former group was significantly higher.
2. As to correlations between coronary heart disease risk factors, maximal oxygen uptake had significant negative correlations with %fat (r=-0.52), systolic blood pressure(r=-0.50), diastolic blood pressure(r=-0.45), triglyceride (r=-0.44). Systolic blood pressure had a significant positive correlation with diastolic blood pressure (r=0.79). The total cholesterol had a significant positive correlation with %fat(r=0.44). Triglyceride had significant positive correlations with % fat(r=0.55) and total cholesterol (r=0.65).
3. According to stepwise discriminant analysis on coronary heart disease risk factors, the maximal oxygen uptake was most explanative, marking 53.93%. %fat marked 14.50% and systolic blood pressure marked 8.37%.
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The Relationship between Service Satisfaction and Requirement from Indoor Sports Spectators 스포츠 행정 경영 : 실내 스포츠 관중의 서비스 만족도와 개선 요구도의 관계
38(3) 749-759, 1999
The Relationship between Service Satisfaction and Requirement from Indoor Sports Spectators 스포츠 행정 경영 : 실내 스포츠 관중의 서비스 만족도와 개선 요구도의 관계
The purpose of the research is to find out whether or not spectators can be characterized in the process of collecting their opinions to examine satisfaction rates and methods of improving service for indoor sports programs. The contents of the research fall into six major categories; Main Facilities, Subsidiary Facilities, Program Progress, Outdoor Facilities, Program Related Persons, Sports Contents. The responses to 27 questions were analysed and classified into two categories; satisfaction rate and improvement requirement rate. The statistical program, SPSSx was used to verify the research data. The results of the research follow.
1. The research indicates that spectator services for indoor sports programs need to be improved, and spectators` individual characteristics should be considered when their opinions are collected.
2. The major individual characteristics that affect spectators` satisfaction rates in the six service categories, are as follows;
First, the category of Main Facilities was affected by such factors as amount of experience, monthly income and choice of stadium. Second, Subsidiary Facilities: the reason for attending, amount of experience, age, monthly income and choice of stadium. Third, Program Progress: method of transportation, monthly income and choice of stadium. Fourth, Outdoor Facilities: reason for attending, age and monthly income. Fifth, Program Related Person: reason for attending and transportation method. Sixth, Contents of Sports Program: educational background and transportation. Thus, overall the six categories are affected by ① reason for attending, ② age, ③ monthly income, ④ choice of stadium and ⑤ educational background.
3. The major individual characteristics that affect the rate of spectators` requirements for improving services in the six service categories, are as follows;
First, the category of Major Facilities is highly affected by transportation method, reason for attending, age, monthly income and choice of stadium. Second, Subsidiary Facilities: marital status, reason for attending and age. Third, Program Progress: transportation method and choice of stadium. Fourth, Outdoor Facilities: marital status, monthly income, age and choice of stadium. Fifth, Program Related Person: transportation method, amount of experience, choice of stadium, monthly income and occupation. Sixth, Contents of Sports Program appears to be affected by the experience of inspection only. Thus, the six categories were affected by ① transportation, ② marital status, ③ amount of experience, ④ choice of stadium, ⑤ reason for attending and ⑥ age.
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Feasibility of Sport Tourism Case Study of North America 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠이벤트의 관광자원화 : 북미사례연구
38(3) 760-775, 1999
Feasibility of Sport Tourism Case Study of North America 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠이벤트의 관광자원화 : 북미사례연구
It was often argued that sport events in North America had been well connected with tourism. The purpose of this study was to investigate the concept of `sport tourism` derived from North American Culture and the related studies, and to study various sport events, the preparation of which might generate infrastructure of tourism for the destinations. Various qualitative methodologies such as interview, participant-observation, document analysis, were employed for each research problem. Data were coded and rearranged by NUDIST (Non-numerical Unstructured Data Indexing Searching and Theorizing). As a result of this study, it was found that the preparation process of sport events-setting visions and goals of the events, sponsorship marketing, event services and so on-were intimately related to tourism by such intermediaries as venues and destinations, mass media, and cooperative community involvement. Finally, it was suggested for the development of our sport tourism that we need to consider sport as an important partner of tourism in long-term visioning, not as a competitor. And organic cooperation system of community for sport tourism, and sport tourism marketing through mass media in general, internet in specific were suggested.
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Strategies on Business of Sport Tourism for Developing Sport Industry 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠산업 발전을 위한 스포츠관광 상품화 전략
김종ChongKim , 박진경JinKyungPark
38(3) 776-784, 1999
Strategies on Business of Sport Tourism for Developing Sport Industry 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠산업 발전을 위한 스포츠관광 상품화 전략
김종ChongKim , 박진경JinKyungPark
The purpose of this study was to find out the way to boom sport tourism for developing Korean sport industry. There were three factors to related to sport tourism; sport event, sport facility, sport star and program. In this study, three subproblems were investigated; (1) the tourism merchandising of sport event, (2) the tourism merchandising of sport facility, (3) the tourism merchandising of sport star and program.
As a result of this study, there were several recommendations as follows.
First of all, as the tourists to participate in sport event would help the economy of the city which held the sport event, the city should develop the special sport event and build the significant facilities to have sport event.
Secondly, in order to boom in sport tourism through the sport facility, the social and legal systems should be changed for customer oriented policies.
Thirdly, in order to make the sport stars, the professional leagues should be boomed and the foreign players who played in Korea should use as the promotional tool for developing sport tourism.
Finally, There should have close relationship between sport and tourism industry and need win-win strategies for reciprocal development.
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An Analysis of Korean Professional Soccer League Fan Attendance for Applying Marketing Strategy 스포츠 행정 경영 : 전략적 마케팅을 위한 프로축구 팬 성향에 관한 연구
김종환ChongHwanKim , 이종호JongHoLee
38(3) 785-798, 1999
An Analysis of Korean Professional Soccer League Fan Attendance for Applying Marketing Strategy 스포츠 행정 경영 : 전략적 마케팅을 위한 프로축구 팬 성향에 관한 연구
김종환ChongHwanKim , 이종호JongHoLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the facts that affect Korean professional soccer fans to attend professional soccer games. The secondary purpose of the study was to develop a profile of influences based on various demographic sub-groups of professional soccer fans as they pertained to: sex, family income level, and occupation.
1,000 Korean professional soccer fans from five randomly selected 1999 professional soccer games(DaehanWhaJe Cup) were surveyed by means of a revised questionnaire, initially used by Schollaert & Smith(1987) and Hansen & Gauthier(1989). The questionnaire utilized a five-point Likert-type scale was employed for ascertaining the degree of importance that each respondent attached to each item.
The means and standard deviations of the response from the questionnaire were computed and placed in rank order. Finally, chi-square, t test and a series of one-way analyses of variance were conducted to assess difference in the importance ratings of factors based on individual demographic variables at the .05 alpha level. Those overall tests that were found to be significant were subjected to pairwise comparisons of group means(Bonferroni procedure).
The results of this study were as follows:
First, there were 33% of the respondents which reported that they attend professional soccer games at over 10 times and 84% of the respondents surveyed reported that they would renew their tickets.
Second, the major findings of this study revealed that the top five factors for soccer fans to affect attendance at soccer games in order of importance were: (1) game schedules(week or weekend, afternoon or night game); (2) number of star players; (3) quality of stadium; (4) team style; and (5) fan service.
Finally, the result of this study also indicated that the factors which influenced attendance in professional soccer games were significant differences in the importance of ratings of factors among different levels of demographic groups of soccer fans as they pertained to sex, family income level, and occupation.
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The Study of the Relationship between The Coach's Leadership Behavior and The Organization's Effectiveness 스포츠 행정 경영 : 리더쉽 행동(行動)과 사기와의 관계 연구
38(3) 799-808, 1999
The Study of the Relationship between The Coach's Leadership Behavior and The Organization's Effectiveness 스포츠 행정 경영 : 리더쉽 행동(行動)과 사기와의 관계 연구
This study aimed to identify the relationship between the coach`s leadership behavior and the organization`s effectiveness in the elite sports organization by selecting the national athletes as subjects. To put more concretely, it was intended to make an empirical test of the relationship between the national-athlete coach`s leadership behavior and leadership effectiveness, say, the relationship between his leadership behavior and leadership effectiveness according to contingency variables, and to make a comprehensive clarification of the relationship of influences between them.
And, based upon it, it attempted to make empirical inquiries into leadership in the present national-athlete sports organization, provide a theoretical basis for research into leadership in the future sports organization and contribute to maximizing improvement in morale and competitive power of the elite sports organization through the greater enhancement of scientific leadership.
To attain this goal, the questionnaire research was conducted on June 1996 for 183 male athletes and 114 female athletes on the team of national athletes involved in 21 events who would participate in the Atlanta Olympics.
SPSS/PC+ was used as the statistical method, and a factor analysis and a test of cronbach`s a reliability were made to find out the reliability of the questionnaire scale. And, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were conducted with the factor scores obtained from the factor analysis to find out the relationship between leadership behavior variables and leadership contingency variables. As a result of making an empirical test, the following conclusion was drawn ;
First, it was shown that training/directive leadership behavior, namely, the coach` strong and efficient leadership exerted a positive effect in allowing athletes to assume an active, creative posture in training and had a positive effect in creating the mild team atmosphere by instilling vigor and vitality into the team.
Second, it was found that social supportive leadership behavior, say, the coach`s personal friendliness and familiarity exerted a positive effect in forming the dependable human relationship between athletes and between coach and athlete. And it was shown to have a positive effect in creating the invigorating and mild atmosphere in the team as a whole as well as individual athletes.
Third, democratic leadership behavior, say, athletes` autonomous training provided them with an opportunity of their individual autonomous training and ability development that enabled them to discover and develop their individual characteristics that the coach had not presented or discovered.
Therefore, it could be seen that the coach`s democratic leadership behavior also acted as the positive factor in athletes` training course and morale.
Fourth, positive reinforcement behavior, say, the coach`s praise and encouragement became an important stimulating factor to allow athletes to overcome psychological/spiritual frustration or difficulty.
In view of this fact, encouragement and praise given to athletes can form intimate human relations and creditability between coach and athlete and maximize the performance of training.
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The Relationship Between Fan Service and Spectating Satisfaction of Professional Soccer Attendance 스포츠 행정 경영 : 프로 스포츠 팬 서비스와 관람 만족의 관계
38(3) 809-817, 1999
The Relationship Between Fan Service and Spectating Satisfaction of Professional Soccer Attendance 스포츠 행정 경영 : 프로 스포츠 팬 서비스와 관람 만족의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between fan service and satisfactory of spectating of professional soccer attendance.
Data collected through a questionnaire designed for this study consist of fixed alternative choice response to items constructed to represent the operational definition for each variable. The inventory was administered to 320 professional soccer attendances.
Statistics employed for data analysis was multiple correlation and multiple regression.
Based upon the results of the study, the following conclusions appear warranted:
1. Stadium environment factors influence on satisfactory of spectating professional soccer attendances.
2. Promotion Spectating factors influence on satisfactory of spectating professional soccer attendances.
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The Roles of Sport for All to Overcome IMF Administration System 스포츠 행정 경영 : IMF관리체제 극복을 위한 국민생활 체육의 역할
The goal of this paper is to deal with the roles of sport for all in IMF economic situations.
The way of surveying and overcoming the social problems on IMF economic crises is as follows.
The sport for all plays important roles in concentrating people`s capability and build up community consciousness in the social crises of the modern nations. Our country`s economic crises make people helpless and mental ·physical health worsen due to a lot of stress. In this time, we should develop the social sport programs suitable to IMF situation and help people participate in these programs in free time without economic expenses. The political considerations like the development and advertisement of sport programs make people lead heathy and lively life.
In IMF economic crises, the regimentation of people`s consciousness through sport for all helps keep the social order and overcome economic ordeal. Also the sport for all makes people inject fresh vigor and recover self-confidence.
Our people had experienced much pains and ordeal for a year but have surmounted all difficulties of nation`s financial crises. The domestic and external press has announced the hopeful view of our national economy. All of us should get over the feeling of frustration and uneasiness and regard the take-off step as IMF crises.
In this point, we should deal with the role of sport for all as the way of overcoming economic crisis.
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A research on reform to management system of the public facilities 스포츠 행정 경영 : 공공체육시설에 대한 경기장별 운영체제 개선방안
송광태KwangTaeSong , 허현미HyunMiHeo , 안민석MinSeokAhn
38(3) 831-845, 1999
A research on reform to management system of the public facilities 스포츠 행정 경영 : 공공체육시설에 대한 경기장별 운영체제 개선방안
송광태KwangTaeSong , 허현미HyunMiHeo , 안민석MinSeokAhn
The purpose of this study was to exam the current status of the public sport facilities in South Korea, to investigate the significant problems within them, then to provide some alternatives. To perform the purpose, this research surveyed 647 employers and 1,228 residents from 15 cities as well as 483 experts from KAHPERD(Korean Alliance far Health Physical Education, Recreation and Dance) and KSA(Korean Society for Administration).
This study analyzed the status and problems on the public sport facilities based on efficiency, effectiveness and equity. By utilizing those three criterions, the study evaluated the way of management, the application of the facilities, the equity of tie facilities, the fiscal management of five facilities and the management of the facilities. Finally, the paper suggested some measures to reform problems in the public sport facilities.
According to the result by the flow chart, facilities such as Gymnasium, Tennis Court, Swimming Pool, Roller Skating, Shooting, Archery, Horse Racing, Public Golf Course encourage the management by contacting-out. The Public Firm is more suitable for facilities for Cycling, Canoe, Yacht. However, facilities for Field Hockey, Semi-Ground, Boxing and Judo recommend the direct management by local government. The facilities for Track and Field, Soccer and Baseball should be managed by some combined system.
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The study of relationship between sport participation motivation and sport involvement by sport consumers 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠 소비자의 스포츠 참여동기와 스포츠 관여와의 상호관계 연구
38(3) 846-856, 1999
The study of relationship between sport participation motivation and sport involvement by sport consumers 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠 소비자의 스포츠 참여동기와 스포츠 관여와의 상호관계 연구
The purpose of this study is to apply and test relationship between sport participation motivation(SPM) and sport involvement to clarify the process of decision making of sport consumer in the field sport marketing research. Questionnaires containing 24 statements are administered to a total of 306 users of privately owned sport club in Pusan, Korea. Factor analysis, cronbach`s Alpha, t-test, multiple regression with backward method and discriminant analysis is used to estimate relationship between each variables.
These results were as follows;
1) SPM factors east four factors representing dimensions of SPM.
2) When SPM factor scores are compared for differences in the degree of sport involvement, mean scores differ significantly for all but one.
3) The mutual relationship between two variables have it that the more fitness-oriented and enjoyment-oriented pursue, the more sport involvement is high.
4) The fitness-oriented factors has the highest influence upon the degree of sport involvement.
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The significance of Player's Union in pro team sports 스포츠 행정 경영 : 프로 스포츠 선수단체 결성의 의의와 과제 - 프로야구를 중심으로 -
육종술JongSulYouk , 강현민HyunMinKang , 박찬혁ChanHyukPark
38(3) 857-868, 1999
The significance of Player's Union in pro team sports 스포츠 행정 경영 : 프로 스포츠 선수단체 결성의 의의와 과제 - 프로야구를 중심으로 -
육종술JongSulYouk , 강현민HyunMinKang , 박찬혁ChanHyukPark
The purpose of this study is to compare the right of professional players between Korea and other countries, present the way to improve the players` legal status in professional sports.
The researchers reviewed the contract conditions of KBO(Korea Baseball Organization), the articles in newspaper and the cases in related books. In examing the history and development of professional sports for players` legal status in U.S., Player Union is necessary to progress the professional sports.
The researchers concluded that Player Union needed to develop the professional sports in Korea. The establishment of Players Union may be beneficial in guarantee both the right of players and marketing benefits in clubs. The players in union will be try to increase the value of themselves. Club will use the value of players to get more marketing profits. In conclusion, Players Union will be the base of maturing professional sports league and professional sports industry.
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A Measure of Service Quality for Health/Fitness Clubs: Scale Development and Validation
38(3) 869-881, 1999
A Measure of Service Quality for Health/Fitness Clubs: Scale Development and Validation
The primary proposes of this study were to (a) present a conceptual framework highlighting the elements to generic to all services as well as those unique to fitness services, and (b) develop a scale of quality in fitness services. Based on the systems perspective of the production and consumption of services, it was postulated that any assessment of overall quality in fitness services must include customer perceptions and reactions to the input, throughput, and output stages of service delivery process. Nine dimensions were derived from the input (three subscales), throughput (five subscales), and output (one subscale) conceptualization of the fitness service system. The subscale structure of the 45-item, nine dimensional scale was supported in confirmatory factor analysis of two different data sets provides by fitness club customers. The internal consistency estimates for the nine dimensions were found adequate. The utility of the scale, and its applicability to other contexts were discusses.
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The Marketing Strategies for Increasing Female Consumers in Professional Baseball Games 스포츠 행정 경영 : 프로야구 경기의 여성 소비자 유입을 위한 마케팅 전략II - 지리적 접근 -
The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze obstructive factors and preference which can affect women`s participation in professional baseball game and to recommend the marketing strategies for increasing the female consumers in the game. Futhermore, the significance of this study was first trying study to segment female consumer market of professional baseball game and present marketing strategies in terms of geographical factors.
Survey method is used for this study. Total of 323 subjects were selected randomly from 3 different city(Seoul, Kwang-ju, Kun-san). The questionnaire consisted of the total number of 50 questions based on 3 main areas; that is, demographical questions(9), obstructive factors(28), and preference(13). Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistic method, ANOVA, Chi-square and Duncan test.
The results of this study were as follows. First, Personal factors(internal and external), game-unrelated factors and information were found as obstructive factors, which varied depending upon 3 geographical locations.
Second, the most of the subjects wanted to see more celebrity, promotional fan-service, and various promotional events.
Third, preferred fan-services were family discounting service, fan club events and easy ticket purchase varying depending upon geographical locations.
Fourth, preferred ticket purchasing method was telephone reservation through telephone, internet and discount coupon, varying depending upon geographical location.
Fifth, the facilities the most of subjects wanted to modify were seats, toilet, parking lots and shops in the baseball arena, varying depending upon geographical location.
Sixth, most wanted services for baseball stadium were seat upgrade, sun visors, reservation and designated seat system, varying depending upon geographical location.
Seventh, Parking related requests, which varied depending upon geographical locations, were parking fee discount, more spacious parking lots and lighting facilities in parking lots, and ladies only parking space. The response varied depending upon geographical location.
Based on the practical data relating 21 factors, marketing strategies with 4 Ps (price, product, place, promotion) were suggested for increasing women`s participation in the professional baseball game.
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Comparative analysis of sport consumption pattern of college students in Korea and United States 스포츠 행정 경영 : 한국과 미국 대학생들의 스포츠 소비활동 유형 분석
38(3) 896-906, 1999
Comparative analysis of sport consumption pattern of college students in Korea and United States 스포츠 행정 경영 : 한국과 미국 대학생들의 스포츠 소비활동 유형 분석
Sport participation style of Korean and American college stuents is divided into three categories: 1. watching TV sport programs, 2. going to tie stadium as spectator and 3. participating in sport activities. Consumption pattern and level, and their preferred person whom to be with fog each category were examined. Cross-national and cross-gender comparison were performed.
Outcomes revealed national and gender differences in respondents` attitudes, type of activity, consumption patter and type of person to be with. There was a positive relationship between attitude and actual participation. The group that preferred team sport and that liked friends showed greater level of participation. This pattern was even clearer as activity becomes more active.
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Study and Analysis of Golf Galleries' Viewing Factors 스포츠 행정 경영 : 골프 관람객의 관전요인 분석
The purpose of the current study is to provide objective information on the golf industry`s marketing strategy through analyzing the viewing factors of golf galleries which remain as the main object of the golf industry. Total samples of 382 galleries who participated at `98 Korea Ladies Professional Golf Championship, held during October 30∼November 1, 1998, have responded to questionniare.
With the collected data, we have conducted either a `Frequency Analysis` or `One-way ANOVA` based an the objective of the current study. Through the above-mentioned process and methodology, the following results were found. We have analyzed the galleries` paticipatiing reasons in golf games according to gender. Far male, health and golf skills, and for female, pleasure and entertainment have shown high relevance. For the analysis according to age, age between 31∼40, 41∼50, above 51 were participating for health. For golf skills, age between 41∼50 have marked highest score.
For pleasure and entertainment, age under 30 have shown the highest correlation. For the analysis based on golf handicap, galleries under 10 handicap, were participating for golf skills and handicap between 21∼over 30 were participating for health reasons. Galleries under 10 handicap have shown high correlation with pleasure and entertainment.
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The Relationship between Types of Physical Activity and Family Life Satisfaction Among the Housewives of Big City 여가 레크리에이션 : 대도시 주부의 체육활동 참가유형과 가정생활만족의 관계
김홍설HongSeolKim , 송강영KangYoungSong
38(3) 921-930, 1999
The Relationship between Types of Physical Activity and Family Life Satisfaction Among the Housewives of Big City 여가 레크리에이션 : 대도시 주부의 체육활동 참가유형과 가정생활만족의 관계
김홍설HongSeolKim , 송강영KangYoungSong
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships of types of leisure activity on family life satisfaction among the housewife of big city. The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the type in sports activity on family life satisfaction by comparing the difference of contest sports, outdoor recreation activity, rhythm activity physical training activity.
Subjects of this study were sampled 265 housewife of big city. Statistics employed in this study were analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) and multiple classification analysis(MCA).
Based on the procedures and results, the following conclusions were warranted:
First, the type of physical activity among housewife of big city an influence on the economic satisfaction of family. The economic satisfaction of family differ from the type of physical activity among the housewife of big city and contest sports is greatly.
Second, the type of physical activity among the housewife of big city an influence on the inter-family satisfaction. The inter-family satisfaction differ from the type of physical activity among the housewife of big city, and contest sport is greatly.
Third, the type of physical activity among the housewife of big city an influence on the household work satisfaction. The household work satisfaction differ from the type of physical activity among the housewife of big city, and contest sport is greatly.
Fourth, the type of physical activity among the housewife of big city an influence on the inter-couple satisfaction. The inter-couple satisfaction differ from the type of physical activity among the housewife of big city, and contest sport is greatly.
Fifth, the type of physical activity among the housewife of big city an influence on the whole life satisfaction. The whole life satisfaction differ from the type of physical activity among the housewife of big city, and contest sport is greatly.
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The Factor Analysis of Physical Fitness of the Students with Mental Retardation 특수체육 : 정신지체학생의 체력구성 인자분석
38(3) 933-945, 1999
The Factor Analysis of Physical Fitness of the Students with Mental Retardation 특수체육 : 정신지체학생의 체력구성 인자분석
The purpose of this study was to identity the factors of physical fitness for the students with mental retardation through the opinions of the experts and factor analysis. The questionnaires were completed by twenty-three experts in order to secure the basic information for the newly developed test items in physical fitness test for the students with mental retardation. The physical fitness test was done by measuring 205 students with mental retardation(male: 128, female: 77) who were attending in J special school located in Seoul. Analysis of frequency and factor were employed for data analysis. The results of this study were as follow ; First, The factors of physical fitness of the students with mental retardation were recommended by the expert group in the order of flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance, balance, muscle power and endurance, body composition, speed, agility, power, and coordination. Second, The factor of Physical fitness of the male students with mental retardation. Five factors were extracted and the factors account 75.32% for total variance. The first factor was explained by triceps(.944), subscapular(.933), calf(.914). The second factor was explained by 50m run(.827), shuttle run(.810), zigzag run(.779), standing long jump(-.516), modified sit up(-.513). The third factor was explained by flexed arm hang(.795), 6min run/walk(.745), 800m run/walk(-.707), standing long jump(.502). The fourth factor was explained by standing and reach(.927), sit and reach(.915). The fifth factor was explained by stork star standing(-.786). Third, The factor of Physical fitness of the female students with mental retardation. Five factors were extracted and the factors account 72.74% for total variance. The first factor was explained by standing long jump(.753), 6min run/walk(.742), flexed arm hang(.717), 800m run/walk(-.673), 50m run(-.568). The second factor was explained by triceps(.927), subscapular(.887), calf(.847). The third factor was explained by zigzag run(.879), shuttle run(.840), 50m run(.512). The fourth factor was explained by sit and reach(.938), standing and reach(.926). The fifth factor was explained by stork standing(.718).
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The Effects of Play Program on Motor Ability and Cognitive Competence of the Children with Mental Retardation 특수체육 : 놀이 활동이 정신지체아동의 운동능력과 인지능력에 미치는 영향
박평문PyungMoonPark , 양점홍JumHongYang
38(3) 946-956, 1999
The Effects of Play Program on Motor Ability and Cognitive Competence of the Children with Mental Retardation 특수체육 : 놀이 활동이 정신지체아동의 운동능력과 인지능력에 미치는 영향
박평문PyungMoonPark , 양점홍JumHongYang
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of play program on the motor ability and cognitive competnece of mental retardation students. The subjects were 11 boys who were 15 years old and the level of IQ is 68~78. The subjects devided to experimental group and control group.
The experimental group received play program for 2 days a week during 20 weeks. All subjects received the pre and post test in the same method by Oseretsky`s Motor Ability Test Battery, KEDI-WISC Nonlingustic test, Raven`s Progressive Matrices Test, and Kagan`s Matching Familiar Figures Test.
The result of this study is as follows ;
1. The motor ability of experimental group was improved in the static coordination, general movement coordination and agility but there were nonsignificant. Otherwise, other test showed significant ; hands-coordination(p<.05), synchronizing movement(p<.05), singular acting performance(p<001).
2. The cognitive competence of experimental group was improved. especially, KEDI-WISC nonlingustic test(p<.001) and Matching Familiar Figures Test(p<.01).
3. The relationship of between motor ability and cognitive competence showed positive in the static coordination, hands-ordination and synchronizing movement but there mere nonsignificant.
In conclusion, the result of this study is supported the applicability play pram to the mental retardation. The subjects of experimental group those who received play program were improved in motor ability and cognitive competence with reduced impulsiveness. they, also, showed improved on the nonlinguistic cognitive ability.
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The Relationship between Creative Dance Learning and Development of Creativity among Pre-School Children 무용 : 아동의 창작무용 학습과 창의성 발달의 관계
38(3) 959-968, 1999
The Relationship between Creative Dance Learning and Development of Creativity among Pre-School Children 무용 : 아동의 창작무용 학습과 창의성 발달의 관계
The primary purpose of this study was to probe the relationship between creative dance learning and development of creativity among pre-school. In order to meet this purpose, the following four subsequent research questions were analysed and these were : 1) The relationship between creative dance learning and development of fluency among pre-school, 2) The relationship between creative dance learning and development of flexibility among pre-school, 3) The relationship between creative dance learning and development of originality among pre-school, 4) The relationship between creative dance learning and development of imagination among pre-school.
The subjects of this study were divided by two groups : an experiment group of 40 childrens and a control group of 40 childrens.
The data collected questionnaire designed for this study were consisted of responses to items constructed to represent each variable.
For data analysis, two-way ANOVA analysis were used.
The major findings obtained from this study were following.
First, an experiment groups of creative dance is higher than a control group in development of fluency.
Second, an experiment groups of creative dance is higher than a control group in development of flexibility.
Third, an experiment groups of creative dance is higher than a control group in development of originality.
Fourth, an experiment groups of creative dance is higher than a control group in development of imagingation.
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The Study of Life Stress Iifluence on the Injury Occurrence of Professional Dancers 무용 : 생활스트레스가 직업무용수의 상해발생에 미치는 영향
이주립JooLipLee , 이민정MinJongLee
38(3) 969-978, 1999
The Study of Life Stress Iifluence on the Injury Occurrence of Professional Dancers 무용 : 생활스트레스가 직업무용수의 상해발생에 미치는 영향
이주립JooLipLee , 이민정MinJongLee
The purpose of this study is to identify whether the injury occurrence could be predicted from the psychological and social factors such as life stress, coping skills, and social support. If so, this study will discuss about the interrelationship between coping skills and social supports concerning the increase of the injury occurrence by the negative life stress For this purpose, It identified several relationships that include dance injury and each factor, life stress and dance injury hour, social support and dance injury hour, and life stress and dance injury according to the two intervening factors.
The subject of this survey we 281 members of a dance groups(National dance theatre, Universal ballet theatre, Seoul city dance theatre, National ballet theatre, Kyounggi province dance theatre, 00 individual dance theatre) and distributed and collected questionnaires. Collected materials are analyzed by the sub program of SAS/PC+.
In result, life stress is directly related to dance injury, and the group with low coping skill or low social support is also linked with injury hour rather than a single factor.
Based on the result, written above, life stress is related to dance injury, and dance injury provides strong evidence on interrelationship between coping skill and social support in increasing the weakness of dance injury to the influence of negative life stress.
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An influence of a sports event on a change of a dance culture 무용 : 스포츠이벤트가 무용문화변동에 미치는 영향 - 서울올림픽을 중심으로 -
임태성TaeSeoungLim , 김은정EunJungKim
38(3) 979-996, 1999
An influence of a sports event on a change of a dance culture 무용 : 스포츠이벤트가 무용문화변동에 미치는 영향 - 서울올림픽을 중심으로 -
임태성TaeSeoungLim , 김은정EunJungKim
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of a sports event such as the Seoul Olympic games on a change of a dance culture. To accomplish the object, the consciousness of a dance expert is researched.
The subjects in this research are 350 dance experts randomly selected in seoul anti 253 data is practically used except for inappropriate data.
SPSS+ program is used to analyze the collected data, and Statistical method such as Factor Analysis, One-Way ANOVA, etc is used.
1. A recognition in an influence of Seoul Olympic on a Change of a dance culture. Seoul Olympic positively affects a change of a dance culture according as an influence of Seoul Olympic on a living dance, a fixation of a dance education, an internationalization of a dance, a change of a dance ideology, a financial problem of a dance field, and a dance facility are positively recognized.
2. A difference in a social economic demographic variable.
A difference in a social economic demographic variable is apparent according as a difference in a sex, an age, a academic background, an occupation, a major activity, a activity period is apparent.
Therefore, it is estimated that a developemental change ideology of this study is demonstrated by the result.